Reviews for Ramona Flowers vs The Timewarp
Pomski chapter 2 . 8/1
Ayo can please continue this apella!

Plasma57 chapter 2 . 8/20/2015
Excellent story, please update soon.
Straightedge127 chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
This is too awesome to not be completed. I hope that you'll update soon. This is starting to get breathtaking. I really want to read about the battle between Ramona and Knives.
TakkunCat chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
I hope you can make chapter 3 fast. I wanna know what happens next. You are my all time favorite Scott Pilgrim FanFictionist! :3
JointheFight chapter 2 . 8/22/2011
Please continue! This story is epic!
TrixieStixs chapter 2 . 8/8/2011
Alright, got around to reading the next chapter. Time for my A$$holely/constructive criticism/review!

First thing is first, The Chipper joke made me LOL IRL NEL FR NJK MBing! Also, if you ever end up translating that I'll give you an internet cookie! Really man that joke was one of the funnest I've seen in this category that wasn't my own work. I commend you for that one.

Time for the criticism, I feel like you are following the original story to closely. I mean come on man, it's AU make every one ridding dragons or something... or superheros! All kidding aside, you should really have more fun with this story. I'm not saying Scott should fight a bear or go to the circus... I mean that would just be stupid! Anyway, did we really need a whole chapter telling us that she has to fight the exes? I mean, wasn't that covered in the first chapter? I just really felt like this chapter didn't really add anything new to the story. Maybe you are just building suspense in a better way then not updating in six months like some loser author that I know.

All bitching aside, this is still one of the best Scott Pilgrim stories I've read. And I can't wait for the next chapter. Just don't be afraid to lighten up a little.

Your Fan, TrixieStixs
another-kind chapter 2 . 8/1/2011
I liked this chapter :)

Story is coming along well, I really like the idea, and it's really funny too.

The characters are spot on, well done :)

Update soon!

sashaonthemoon chapter 2 . 7/31/2011
I think we'd all love the conlcusion of this fight in the next chapter, thouhgh tim the bunny is welcome to make a guest appereance *can't spell*

wonderful as usual. hilarious, and unexpected
Voice4TheMute chapter 2 . 7/31/2011 people have the ability to detect people who aren't from their timeline huh? interesting...nah, i'm just messing around. good chapter though. I'd imagine it was hard to find a nice synonym for Knives' ...knives. But you pulled it off so well.

Eagerly awaiting Kim v Ramona,

GRiiTTLE JUNiiOR chapter 2 . 7/30/2011
a clifhanger?...*uncontrollable sobbing.* As soon as I saw 4 ft, I knew it was Knives. Also, a story about a bunny named Tim would be pretty cool, if you wrote it. You're the only only person who could pull that off. Well, maybe Voice4theMute, but...maybe
another-kind chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
Woah! That was very good, can't wait to read more :) Update soon :)
David N. Brown chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
Definitely a good start. The video game setup reminded me a little of the youtube series "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?", particularly the airbag episodes.
sashaonthemoon chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
do you see this *points*

this is my mind, splatterd on the world

you blew my mind

TrixieStixs chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
Okay, here is the 411 on the grapevine or whatever those hipsters are saying these days. I'll start off by saying, this is the first story i got around to reading of yours. (even though i said I would read the others i haven't gotten around to that and I'm sorry)

Anyway! I'll start off by saying I love the comic book feel writing style you have going. it reminds me of a young me back in the day when there was only one Scott Pilgrim story in this section. But enough of my reminiscing back to the review. I also loved the opening, it was vary endearing and cute and stuff. vary Scott Pilgrim i what that was.

But unfortunately I do have some complaints/critiques/a$$holy statements to make. Well for starters it felt kind of rushed somehow after the whole time warp thingy mobober. I mean you missed your chance for epicly funny Quantum Leap/ Back To Future/ every time travel movie ever made references! It was pretty anti-climatic with the build-up the beginning brought forth. Also, making Roxie the Wallace of the story was just okay to me. I mean sure it makes sense in every aspect of the whole story but wouldn't it have been way, way, way, way, way, more bad-ass if it was Lucas Lee! I mean take a character with unlimited potential and make him a scene stealing Wallace would have been fantastic! He would have been my first choice I could find almost unlimited jokes for that guy in this timeline/AU. But this isn't my story so who am i to say. My final complaint is this first fight thing with Julie was just so damn fast! No jokes really, no dramatic song and dance, no back story! it was all boom-bang-bing stab in the back end chapter.

To sum it up, his chapter left me wanting more for all the wrong reasons. But hey, you are a fantastic writer and I'm going to be continuing to read this story because i believe it's going to be great. I have a feeling that we both know that your a better writer then this first chapter lead on.

your fan, TrixieStixs!
Voice4TheMute chapter 1 . 7/13/2011
welcome back!

Nice opening chapter. going into the story, i didn't like the premise. There are two types of AUs on this site: really really good ones, or really really cheesy ones. I can comfortably say this won't be as cheesy as I initially thought, but do flex your imagination. we can all guess Scott's ex's but adding Roxie in there as support was an unexpected twist.

let's see what kind of ride you've made us wait in line for

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