Reviews for Voices of the Forgotten
Claire Randall Fraser chapter 1 . 9/13/2012
Once Alex Blake arrives (Emily's replacement) I would love to read your take on what she feels as she's tries to find her place on the team. One thing I think that you do extremely well is uncover the many layers of a character. Where others, including myself, get stuck on the surface, you're able to bury down deep and find their insecurities, strengths and motivations. I loved this whole story but you really nailed Elle and Emily. ;-)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I truly enjoyed this piece. You took the time to flesh out some rather over looked characters. You gave everyone strong, believable character development, as well as a sense of closure to the characters. Thanks for posting this one.
Ginshi-chan chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
So beautifully creepy and sad. It brings the characters that do seem forgotten some much needed thought and closure.
tricks-meuler chapter 1 . 11/30/2011
Ashley was gloriously perfect and Elle felt exactly like Elle (and unfortunately haven't seen seasons 4 and 5 so I don't Jordan at all). They both felt 100% percent in character and I loved their ruminations on the team; I loved the way you gave us more insight into Ashley, and Elle felt exactly like herself - in both good ways and bad. I also really liked the format, it flowed really well and wasn't at all hard to keep track of - which was helped a lot by how well you captured their different voices.
Davi chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
Wow.. This was amazing.. Truly wonderful job(:
cuecardemporium chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
You know, I actually like Elle... but that's so not the point xD

Anyways, I really admire you for writing this using all the forgotten members of the BAU as your main characters, since writing with chracters that aren't "fan favourites" is definitely a test of both skill and imagination. Your take on all three was a refreshing change on the unnecessary Seaver/Todd hate out there (strangely, there isn't all that much ranting about Elle), which I occasionally partake in and your swift transitions from perspective to perspective were quite smooth! All in all, this was a well written story. Thumbs up! :)
sunshinecutiebre chapter 1 . 7/27/2011
Loved this. You wrote the thoughs very well and it was very easy to tell who was who. I love all of those non fan favorites and thanks for giving them a story. Great job!
Deanne Stevenson chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
The shame of this story is that because you chose unpopular characters, not very many people will read and review, and that is their loss. It is a fine story that realistically portrays the feelings and situations of the characters. ~Dee
dannyanne chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
Awesome! Your story is a great portrayal not only of the three characters Elle, Ashley and Jordan but of the TEAM.
Graveygraves chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
I will admit when I read your author notes I nearly didn't read any further due to the characters, however I'm glad I did. I found the format confusing to begin with, but once I got my head round it the piece was really insightful, both of the characters and the team.
Marauder-In-Disguise chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
WOW. This is brilliant - so clever, complex but also follow-able and a cracking read! I like the Elle one best, especially the bit about her parents. Seriously well done :)