Reviews for Lineage
JuMiKu chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
I like the story. It's not overly sappy and both characters actually manage to preserve the strength they are known for.
Shezka Foxe chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
I rather like this short fic. It'nice, and sweet. I rather feel sorry for Fenris and yet happy for him and Kaillian. In the grand scheme of things I can see this happening in the game before he ever meets Hawke.

I also wanted to refer to your author's note in the beginning. I started one fic based on that idea, breeding elves, but it rather tracks back to Fenris's father. Danarius is a young magister (only in his mid twenties) who goes out in search of the Ancient Elves in order to convince his father he is a worhty magister and to have unique "breeding" stock. Though it is a long winded fic to say the least. Though if you would like to read it it's called "Mage's Regret" and I"m already working on the third chapter.

Well written, and I love how there is angst but not to much.
GlysMari chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
Thumbs up on "Conan", "little wolf" and a happy ending.
naomis8329 chapter 1 . 7/24/2011
A wonderful story thank you for sharing. Fenris has a family and perhaps they will one day love each other.

Thanks for sharing and who knows maybe you will be the one to write the story you hinted at lol...

Take care

Naomi xxx
Reviewer chapter 1 . 7/15/2011
Interesting idea. This actually kind of makes sense timeline wise (if Tabris never got drafted to Grey Wardens), it can happen during the 'Unrest in the Alienage' timeline or a bit before.

It's pretty well-written but the vibe I have is you're not too comfortable with the topic/the prompt. It IS a dark theme. Good job.
Eva Galana chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
Cadsuane, I like the idea behind this story. But, despite being well written, it is so disjointed it was difficult to follow the timeline. When she meets him in the hall and she places his hand to her rounded belly and he feels the flutter of the life beneath, is this the first child of many others? Or, did Danarius take a heavily pregnant elven woman to his bed? If it's just one of many (or at least more than one) did they leave a child behind in slavery?

It just feels a little...empty to me. know you're one of my favorite writers on FF, but this one left me feeling a little confused.