Reviews for The Patient in ER Bay 3
aapenname chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
Uff... That ending. Spectacular work!
Riathe Mai chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that punch to the gut at the end. I think I tensed up right along with Dean. The narrative drew me right in. Great job.
Shazza85 chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
First, I. Would have loved more chapters to this story! Your Dean is so very good, stoic, resolved, but with all that emotion leaking through his walls and his eyes! So good!
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 2/28/2016
oh no...

It suddenly hit me. Season 3, talking about out of pretzels at the bar... Dean knows. That's one more hunter that's blood on his hands. Ouch. But not knowing ... that's harder.

Now she'll know.

*crawls off into a corner to bawl eyes out*
Freya922 chapter 1 . 12/11/2015
Compelling story, and you SO got me with that ending. I did NOT see that coming. Bravo!
TheBlondeBullet chapter 1 . 11/18/2015
Ohhh...oh, that's sad. Her brother died in Ellen's bar when the demons burnt it down, didn't he? Ugh, and Dean knows, and of course he can't say anything. That's so awful!

Great short though! I love outsider POVs on the Winchesters-it's always interesting to read how they look from a normal (or close to normal) persons point of view. Like, if anyone stops and REALLY looks at them, they can tell they're different. Of course, this girl knows already.
MeAzrael chapter 1 . 11/12/2015
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review:
Really loved that story. Heartbreaking and really well written, with the witty idea to have the boys meet an ex-hunter where they wouldn’t have expected one. To have Dean be silent for most of the conversation was a bold choice, and the right one, IMO. It’s much more intense to read his emotions from his unspoken response by gestures or looks. Step by step you revealed the tragedy of a life as a hunter by your OC’s thoughts and words. And you added another guilt on his already guilt-laden mind – because he knows all too well what must’ve happened to her brother at the Roadhouse. Somehow that end fits perfectly well. Bravo.
LeeJack as guest chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review:

I read this a long time ago and I always wondered what you intended to do. Was Dean going to go back later and tell her? If would have made her cry but it also would have put an end to her suffering. I'll bet Sam would tell her.

I do like the story. It is well writing and heartfelt. Thank you.
SPN Mum chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
I really liked the outsider POV. Dean was very true to form, with his attitude about needing to know Sam was okay and being vague about the occurrence of their injuries. You did a good job showing us that the nurse working on Dean had a connection to the supernatural world, and that she knew what he and Sam were. It surprised me, as much as it surprised Dean, that her brother was at the Roadhouse the last time she heard from him. That means that he was possibly one of the hunters that were killed in the fire, along with Ash, and that is why she hadn't heard from her brother again. How sad. Dean didn't get the chance to tell her anything, as Sam was awake and needed him at that moment. Nicely done twist at the end there.
SPNReadingManiac chapter 1 . 10/31/2015
That was a lovely vignette through the eyes of a knowledgeable yet still outside party. The longer paragraphs could have been broken up a little, for easier reading, but still, it packed a great punch. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and talent!
miXiZ chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
Awww... somehow this calls for a follow-up. Loved how you wrote the story.
AnonyGirl3 chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
Ooooooh nice use of Ellen! Friggin perfect!
Wunjo chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
Wow! Nice tie in, and you got Dean just right.
Jade Ice Fire chapter 1 . 8/4/2014
Oh no... poor David.
That was just sad man. Why you gotta try an make people cry and stuff?
Damn you write so good you make it real.
WinJennster chapter 1 . 5/11/2014
Oh shit. "Ellen you're out of pretzels!" And that's another death Dean's blaming himself for. Holy holy crap.
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