Reviews for Nightfall: Weeping Moonlight
Guest chapter 10 . 5/23
I come back to this story, this series, every few years to reread it. By far, Nightfall is my favorite work of fan fiction I’ve ever known, and every time I come back to see a new update I’m elated. I catch myself forgetting that half of these characters aren’t actually in the games—Deston, Seren, Irina... everyone, really, is written so well and fits with the existing cast so perfectly that it’s hard to believe they only exist here, in these chapters. I’ve repeatedly recommended the story to various friends of mine, which tells to the strength of the story you’ve told and the world you’ve weaved with your words.

I know it’s been a few years since the last update, and life can certainly get in the way and make continuing difficult, but I hope you’ll see this review and know there are still fans out there, anxiously awaiting the conclusion of this art. The Nightfall series is an amazing story, and I can’t wait to know how it will continue and end.
DyingofFeels chapter 10 . 7/21/2018
Dang, great chapter man! I hope you do another chapter soon. Especially because it seems that you didn’t update for almost a year. I really enjoyed this trilogy so far! Still a bit shocked by the deaths and YOU ACTUALLY BROUGHT ME TO TEARS OVER THESE CHARACTERS. Also, I’m really worried about how Deston is going to react to realizing that Raina and Irina are the same person. You’re a great writer!
Oxy-genated chapter 10 . 12/15/2017
Hi are you going to update anytime soon? And not just this book, the other ones as well. It has been months since you updated and I really miss reading your writings.
Anonymous chapter 10 . 9/20/2017
I have to say I enjoyed this chapter quite a bit. It seemed a little strange though; the people invited to the party (with the obvious exception of the Gavinners and Ema) didn't seem to really know Seren, Daryan, or Tessa outside of having met them at work. I understand that you couldn't really introduce more OCs without drawing the story away from the plot, but surely the three of them must have had closer friends than the old "hobo and co" (that name is hilarious) that would have been invited to the party? Idk, the whole singing thing also seemed a bit awkward and out of place but it was fun anyway.

Overall, I really enjoyed this new chapter. It was fun and had some cute moments. Good job as usual.

One tiny, basically insignificant thing to note: you mentioned that Phoenix's hobo attire is in the "first stages" of evolving into more sophisticated clothes. I would actually caution against saying things like that because unless you know that Phoenix comes back as a lawyer in Dual Destinies, there's no way to know if his updated attire is the first stage or the last... Like I said, it's tiny and insignificant but it maybe breaks up the flow of the chapter a little bit? Almost like it's a reminder that the reader is not actually a part of the story. It's really a minor stylistic thing though, and I can see why you would have worded it that way for the sake of clarification to the reader about the progression of Phoenix's character.

This is obviously just my opinion too, please don't be offended that I'm pointing these things out. I love Nightfall and all your other Klema stories and don't want you to take my criticism the wrong way.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/25/2017
So happy you're continuing this! :)

After all the recent revelations, I went back and read the first two again and I have to say, it's masterful how you dropped all the little hints around, and yet still managed to take me by surprise anyway!

Please update soon, don't leave us hanging.
Shibue Miyuu chapter 10 . 8/24/2017
Thank you for the update!

The story is reaching the climax, with the cliffhanger at the end of the chapter. But I'm surprised and a bit disappointed with Lana and Edgeworth's called off engagement. They are my favorite couple and the story of them are not many to find and read. And with the some hints you put in the story, I guess you kind of want to pair Lana with Diego... It is just my thought though.

The bond between the old friends (Edgey-Nick-Butz) is classic, but still a good one.

Keep up the good work and looking forward for the next chapter :)
lovescatsforevergirly456 chapter 9 . 7/21/2017
Hi Stormy! I really Liked your whole stories of Nightfall. you are getting very well at it. i want to ask you if you have a Skype account? please reply when you can.
Klema chapter 9 . 7/4/2017

Actually I'm a new reader for this trilogy of yours and I must say, it is absolutely spectacular and heartwarming and heartaching at the same time. This is the first EVER fanfiction that I have ever cried over. It legitimately made me breathe harder, cry waterfalls, and smile wider than anything that I have ever read in this website.

Also, your OCs. Oh my god, your OCs are characters that should be protected at all cost. Even though Tessa and Seren are gone from the world, I still love them to pieces. You made me fall head over heels over Raina and Deston whose love story is so tragic that it justs breaks my heart. However, I really do love them. I expected that I won't love Raina as much as I did with Tessa but damn, those two are such preciousness and I just want them to be happy with their own love ones. So with Tessa and Daryan, I hope that they have their happy after life.

And with DESTON, oh god, Deston. Since the first part of your trilogy, I have LOVED Deston and I want a Deston all for myself. I want him to be happy in this fic of yours because he deserves it so much. I am amazed at the friendship you have had him developed with Ema and what else can I say? Your OCs for me are just full of depth and so real to me.

As well as the villains, I want to know how you have created such evil but at the same time so charismatic characters? Irina sounds like a scary but obviously wise. Rafael is insanely evil but terribly good at it. And the way you wrote Kristoph is so amazing that you can represent him as someone so terrible but loving at the same time (at least to me).

Finally, the ship, Klema. I'm pretty sure the Klema fandom is very thankful to you. You have presented the fandom with such a glorious fanfic that it's hard to keep up. You wrote the ship so painstakingly accurate that I know you have captures their character so well. I love how you write them. I love how you displayed both the good and the bad of their individual selves as well as their relationship. It is not just about the fluff but it is also about the angst of their ship and their own person.

I'm sorry it is so long. And I am also sorry that i just discovered this story. I do hope that I see the end of this trilogy because, god, it is amazing. Every cliffhanger of every chapter just kept pushing me to press next chapter (even though I am busy with Midterms. Hahaha). Keep the awesome job with the characters and the plot. I hope to see your writing soon!
Not Raina chapter 9 . 5/13/2017
*definitely is not plotting anything*
Klavier chapter 9 . 5/12/2017
Don't listen to the haters, ja? I have yet to meet a writer with half the talent you have… and that includes my glorious self.
Deston chapter 9 . 5/12/2017
Sorry, your highness, my blocking of Ray's internet blipped for a second. I think he might have submitted a review
Seren Aded chapter 9 . 5/12/2017
*is dead*
Raoul chapter 9 . 5/12/2017
F- for lack of myself or any girl on girl action
Secret Admirer chapter 9 . 5/12/2017
Omg this is literally amazing I wish I could write as well as you like this whole trilogy is just amazing you're amazing the world is amazing
Selena chapter 8 . 4/16/2017
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that chapter was so good? Tears. Coming out of my eyes. Bruh I need to know what haapppeeensssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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