Reviews for Infinity Road
Guest chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
This was so good! Loved the style of it all. It's always amazing the way writers can craft entire scenes in this minimalistic way. Nice!
Princess Twila chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
I don't know what you just did, but it was beautiful and I feel all happy and melty inside. You had a fantastic grasp of the characters in this story, and the plot was so seamlessly woven that I can't even begin to describe how jealous I am! Exquisite job, my dear, and if you happen to write any other T&B fanfics, I'll be sure to watch out for and read them.
kyouruhi24 chapter 1 . 12/11/2012
i love it! kotetsu is endearing... bunny is adorable with all the suffering... for some reason i keep picturing him with an apron in my mind during the kitchen scene hehe... thanks for this/!
Nymariaa chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Ahhh, lovely one shot. Tiger and Bunny just fit so well together, I can't get enough of them! Great job, I'm looking forward to read more of your work!
Akidou chapter 1 . 10/9/2012
So, first I want to thank you for writing such a beautiful story. I truly loved this and it really cheered me up a bit when I really needed that, so thanks for that. I know Ive read this before a while ago and Im pretty sure I didnt get the chance to review. Either way, ive found it again, and i want to tell you how much i enjoyed it both times reading it!

I loved the way this was written. Like a stream iof consciousness, but it wasn't messy or jumbled at all, it was realistic. It was like being in Kotetsu's head and it was just an awesome style to read. And it was funny. Oh man, your metaphors, I giggled out loud. And after having a really shitty day, that was much appreciated.

I just love your writing style. And it seems like you have these 2 characters just memorized, everything about them came off in character and beautifully. Spot on. I just loved it. This is such a wonderful love story and I really think gives hope at the end. endless praise, my dear author, you have lifted my soul with this one. Amazing work, don't ever stop writing!

Crystal Delphina chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
I just wanted to let you know that I thought this was a very sweet, thoughtful, and delicate story. And I mean delicate in the sense that you established a tempered pace that was neither too rushed or too dragging and dialogue and thought patterns that were believable and human. I was quite impressed with your story and how you brought the characters together in a very mindful fashion, and not just throwing them together because it's just easy to do so. Good job. I am impressed.
CoffeeJailbreak chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
I couldn't really tell that they were on a window sill when barnaby's crying.

Srsly, I had to read it like five times.

Also, I would've enjoyed a description of barnaby kissing kotetsu, because again he's like "that's why I'm doing this" and I can't figure out what he's doing until a couple sentences later.

All in all 8/10
leper'd chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
You are an absolutely fantastic writer. I'm absolutely amazed at how well everything seems to flow, how well you've built up the tone, and how you perfectly captured the characters here. I love it.

SilverKit'sFire chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
your writing is beautiful. has anyone mentioned yet? cause it is. and brilliant. perfect style for this story. and i love your sense of humor; how even sometimes when you're breaking our hearts there's still something in there that makes me laugh a little, but w/out ever once taking away from the emotion. i keep reading this over and over because it's just so good at making me feel, if that makes sense.

anyway, just thought you should know..._
magpiedragon chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
Hmm, ok, my obligatory after-show run concludes this is probably the best fic in this archive.

Love the writing, honestly; such a nice style you have. Thanks for the good read!
CatsOnMars chapter 1 . 10/13/2011
Wow, this is easily the best T&B fic I've read. I couldn't stop reading it until I'd finished it in one sitting. Your writing style is lovely and you have such a good grasp on the characters and what makes their relationship so wonderful and right and good for them. There were a lot of parts that made me giggle, too. Just great work!
Anonymous1 chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
I rarely ever write reviews, but I just felt I had to mention how much I really enjoyed this story.

I just loved how this fic intertwined this sense of melancholy with sweetness throughout. The rhythm and pacing seemed just right-and I sort of fell in love with how you portrayed the characters and their changing relationship.

Thanks for this one.

ninety6tears chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
This is the K/B fic I have been looking for ever since I started shipping it. You write them so brilliantly and you have such a perfect grasp on Barnaby's character and why this relationship could be a problem and also why it could work itself out. Brilliant 3
ChOFee chapter 1 . 7/20/2011
I can't say how sweet and angsty and a perfect mixture of worry and happiness this was. There's no word for it.
Vanadium23 chapter 1 . 7/19/2011
ITS...ITS SO GOOD! TTTT i loved this. beautiful writing. beautiful plot. EVERYTHING. you're amazing and i love you. 3 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-i can't even. *dies of happiness*
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