Reviews for The Mustard Mystery
totallyredvines chapter 5 . 1/25/2013
WHAT?! What was with the mustard, it was bought to be forgotten?!
totallyredvines chapter 4 . 1/25/2013
so true :)
totallyredvines chapter 3 . 1/25/2013
I like this story :)
totallyredvines chapter 2 . 1/25/2013
awesome :)
totallyredvines chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
glitterandbowties chapter 5 . 7/11/2012
Wait so the title is basically the same question we have at the end of the story? I like this new type of development in writing!
whatabeautifulmess chapter 5 . 11/24/2011
The more I read of your writing, the more I begin to think that you're a genius. This was brilliant, the perfect mix of sweet and hot and hilarious. I particularly like this last chapter: it's nice to find out what went on with that mustard :)

Also, I love your author's notes - they are excellently insane, and so very, very funny, particularly the one for "Lubricant"; my stories do the exact same thing, and I don't even bother arguing any more.
joja96 chapter 5 . 10/5/2011
whelmedwithaster chapter 5 . 9/23/2011
I liked this, the humor, the cuteness. But.. I still don't get what's up with the mustard, paha ? (':
MycatISLordTubbington chapter 5 . 8/8/2011
Omg, there was so much humor and cuteness in this story that my brain really should NPR be where it is now, but all I can think is...wth is up with the mustard? O.o it's like I just want to know WHY exactly they were so desperate to get it opened, and then it's just sitting there and I can't help but think "aww, poor lonely mustard"
MyMagentaPeach chapter 5 . 8/3/2011
I love being suprised:) And those lyrics, and this ending definitly suprised me. Now I wish to be Sherlock Holmes or Miss Ma..., no Sherlock will do. JUst so I could retrace Klaine's steps and be all like, hm, of course I know what that mustard was intended for, well it was obvious all along Watson. Since I can't do that. Because really I ain't that clever, like ever. I will just do this:)


Sometimes when I look in your eye

All I see is MUSTARD

And I wonder if when you look back

You see MUSTARD in mine.

Our lives have been kind of crazy

We're fighting for a MUSTARD break

A breath of air, a wisp of hair

It should all be yours to take

So all I ask is that you let me

Kiss away the MUSTARD


There's gotta be a right time

There's gonna be a bright time

At the end of this MUSTARD MYSTERY.

We're ready for a respite

Just looking for a safe ride

Through the

Pain and confusion and 'where are we heading for's MUSTARD (or Hogwarts maybe? Wait are they on a train?);)

Now for real though:


Sometimes when I look in your eye

All I see is darkness

And I wonder if when you look back

You see the same in mine.

Our lives have been kind of crazy

We're fighting for a break

A breath of air, a wisp of hair

It should all be yours to take

So all I ask is that you let me

Kiss away the ache


There's gotta be a right time

There's gonna be a bright time

At the end of this.

We're ready for a respite

Just looking for a safe ride

Through the

Pain and confusion and 'where are we heading for's nothing either of us knows.


I see your eyes right now look bright.

And your smile tells me you see the light in mine too.

So we move a lot closer

Sure there must be warmth in such shine.

Just like that we are

A tangle of arms and hands and lips

And your touch is warmth I had never known to exist

On me, in me

And all you ask is that I let you

Kiss away the ache


There's gotta be a right time

There's gonna be a bright time

At the end of this.

We're ready for a respite

Just looking for a safe ride

Through the

Pain and confusion and 'where are we heading for's nothing either of us knows.


And as our breaths even

And our hearts beat in time

Your pulse is all I need to feel

While your hand is clasping mine

What remains is the confusion of having found you here

So close to me you were all along

Right next to me you are

And finally I am, Right, next to you

So all we ask of each other

Is that we kiss away the ache

And 'where are we heading for's nothing either of us knows.

Yes We are heading for a place neither of us knows.

You’ll be the sky we walk under

I’ll be the ground we walk on

And in between just us, breathing.

And 'where are we heading for's nothing either of us knows.

Yes We are heading for a place neither of us knows.

You’ll be the sky we walk under

I’ll be the ground we walk on

And in between just us, breathing.

"You mock us sir!" Well no. Well yeah. Well a bit. I would never dare to mock the council.;) THIS STORY JUST NEEDED MORE MUSTARD! like you did not know;)

And then I got really carried away, and had to try and finish the lyrics:) Like you need me for that. I just...It felt important, somehow.

love you, M
MyMagentaPeach chapter 4 . 8/3/2011
...SO...they had a headboard in that tent? DAMN, how did I miss that. I will have to rewatch that movie.

Shakespeare and naughty language ONLY goes together, now that you have made that wonderful advance as a writer, I will be expecting a lot more gender confusion and crossdressing in your future Klaine stories. Come to think of it, lets just skip the gender confusion, keep the crossdressing, and add some smut;)

love, M

P.S.: You talk to your stories too? I thought I was the only one:)They can be stubborn things, stories.
MyMagentaPeach chapter 3 . 8/3/2011
Mmh, yeah, this chapter felt a little confused and confusing, but non the less fun, or knowing me, probably because of it. I feel utterly at home in confusion. Kurt creeping down into the kitchen, now I am entirely lost in childhood memories. Love you for all you stire up in me, as usual;)

thanxs, M

On to the next chapter...
ZeebaDeeba chapter 2 . 7/31/2011
Bahahhahah! I loved it!

I've had to use the 'let's put more crap on top of it to hide it' method before. Especially when it's like rag week, and I'm at a friends house and they have brothers lol
ZeebaDeeba chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
OHMYGOD! How did I miss this? ! I could've sworn I had you on alert :( but it's all good. You are now :)

So, anyways, FANTASTIC STORY! You know this one was in my like, top 3 ;D

On to the next one!
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