Reviews for Trails End
Jenndifurry chapter 23 . 9/18/2019
Koun could have ended up with Choko, Flora, Mio. or
Jenndifurry chapter 17 . 9/18/2019
I think Koun is a mixture of Koun and Cain from the manga.
midori144 chapter 23 . 8/5/2019
Awesome story. Thank you for writing it. You are a wonderful author.
dreamerkins chapter 1 . 2/18/2019
I love the ending. I wish Kuon had moved on, but I'll choose to think that happens after the story.I thought it was so funny, how Sho got a headache.. and stomach ache... possibly some dental issues...Lol. that was great!
dreamerkins chapter 16 . 2/17/2019
yes... stupid challenge rules...Lol. both guys are good, but your Kuon has devoted more of his life to her, and your Ren has had less chance to form a true bond, I guess? idk. I feel like Kuon needs her more, too. I hope your ending leaves him close to her, at least.
GeraniumRyka154 chapter 11 . 6/23/2018
I like your story, but I feel it is wrong to make Kuon be in love with Kyoko. I feel it would defeat the purpose of making Ren and Kuon different people. After all Kuon never really love Kyoko. He never loved any girl in that way.
Cheetabites chapter 23 . 7/3/2017
It's a very interesting story. I like how you have Lory so open minded about all forms of love including homosexual ones. Though Ren was struggling with the idea. And then later I feel very torn between Kuon and Ren. It does seem that Kuon does more for Kyoko while Ren was rather passive. Thinking outside conventional arrangement, if all three parties agree, I think the most happy ending would be for Kyoko to have both Kuon and Ren. Even though both men are so possessive, they also know how important the other man is to her and if they both truly place her happiness first, they will share. I am not a fan of polygamy, but in this case, I gladly make an exception. ;-) I love seeing Kyoko surrounded by people that loves her so much.
LittleChomper chapter 9 . 8/27/2016
okay, I'm totally in love with Deche.
LittleChomper chapter 7 . 8/27/2016
I think I'm in love with Deche.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/14/2016
Oh god. No. Stopping here bc kuon is only ship.
Ruby chapter 18 . 5/22/2016
Oh my god! I just burst out laughing when they started hitting each other all of a sudden, both were wide-eyed, it was like they both lost their minds! And the way Kuon was suddenly attacked while in bed and was just hauled away! XD I'm dying right now. For some reason, I just pictured him resting, and Ren suddenly jumping out of nowhere and dragging him off while Kuon looked up wide-eyed. And I also pictured Ren smiling when he walked in, and the smile frozen on his face when he saw Kuon.
H.K chapter 4 . 5/20/2016
I never log in because I don't have a account, and I don't want one. I don't say mean things though...So I guess this is irrelevant.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/19/2016
"Mary" (not her real name) is sooo OOC but I guess it cant be helped because of the storyline(?) Idont se why has to disguise herself as boy... Its pointless really.
Quathra chapter 23 . 5/14/2016
I AM NEAR TEARS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! there is no possible way I could convey just how much I love this story, fic, and outstanding work of art in less than one million squeals, hugs, tears, and compliments! I never realized how much I needed a western skip beat fic until I read this! At first I was confused because Ren and Kuon were different people, which I still have mixed feelings about because I couldn't begin to imagine them as separate(lol! Seriously! I had to stop and think every time they met!) But you did splendidly with their characters! Oh, and awkward Ren! I loved it! And the characters and how they translated into this AU was flawless! And I am very happy I found this fic when it was finished, lol because I read it in one night. Seriously it's 3:30 AM right now but I am 100% not regretting it! Now I shall look to see what other stories you have wonderfully made!
Asian-kayse chapter 8 . 11/27/2015
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