Reviews for One Man Army
DakotaValentine chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
Everything you write is just perfect, I can't even. I absolutely LOVE the way you write Kenny. He's so fucking hot.
KocoDyE chapter 1 . 11/25/2015
ok, I'm sorry but this fic left was just utterly amazing, I am speechless. Thank you for sharing such great talent with us and keep up the good work!
DeadAsOf2017 chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
everything hurts but I love it
The Rubble or Our Sins chapter 1 . 10/27/2014
Ugh this is my favorite fan fiction I read it all the time and I makes me happy and it's so fucking flugfy
Kathy chapter 1 . 5/13/2014
Awesome story! I love how both of them are still kind of clueless but know they want to be together anyway. Your writing style's amazing as well :)
HoneyBee137 chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
Shit I really love how you do bunny. This is probably the cutest thing I've read in a very very long time. Keep up the good work dude! I applaud your and your marvelous efforts!
darlingbuttercup chapter 1 . 3/5/2013
this was potentially the hottest thing ive ever read.
thank you for this, it has all my headcanons and i think i just died a little and went to heaven
man this is sooooooo good
TheWubber5 chapter 1 . 2/13/2013
I really love how you kept the way Kenny treats Butters accurate. I also loved how you brought out how loving Kenny was in their relationship, the lemon, the attachment, Butters's feelings, the dialogue, and the love. I read this the day before Valentine's Day, and I wish I could have read it tomorrow. You have no idea how much I loved this story. One-hundred percent well done! I will look at your other stories because this was just plain Awesome-O!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
Thank you for a wonderful read. This was amazing 3
LyRiCho chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Awwwwwww! Darn this is so sweet! Really thought at first that Kenny was an asshole but no its just Butter's darn parents! Geez! But its sweet yet kinky! Hehehehehehe I love it! X3
Washy-woman chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
I dunno on this one, see I started originally with your fic school for pregnant boys (or something like that) and then I was like well everything is style 'cept this one thing with kenny butters. So I read it and it turns out I really love it, like a lot. I just kinda connect with butters I suppose, like he's always trying to please his parents and nothing is ever good enough, and then the thing that makes him the happiest is what his parents hate the most. I am in no way saying my parents are Identical to butters but the way you portray him just kinda makes me feel-... woogly I suppose. Like when you feel something when you read things, but it's not just feeling bad for the characters but connecting with thome in some kind of intimate way. I really like kenny too, I love how he's just doing the best that he knows how, and in a way has iddentical problems to butters. Not really with his parents but being a dissapointment. Because he's trailor trash, or a manwhore, or a bad influence or whatever. But like he's just not good enough.

I kind of also want to add in something about your other fic cause I was going to post something and wound up not doing it. But I went into that fic kind of apprehensive about it cause I figure it would just be another poorly written fic with unused potential. It totaly surprised me by not only being really funny but also having sad and serious moments as well. The best was the way you could intermingle serious and funny moments together without taking away from an entire scene. Like for example, if it was a serious scene overall the funny bits put in there as comic relief didn't seem ejected in or akward but just kind of enhanced the scene to keep something from being more morose than it really should have been. I just loved it altogether even the prologue (and prologues generaly seem just kind of like really long the ends to a story) The prologue for me really actually helped, just to tie up some loose ends for me and show me how everyone gets on. I especially loved the kids and how you set up their relationships, having Elway and Kinglet be best friends was really awesome! I actually really love the kids and the way you fleshed them out to be important instead of cute little accesories the adults carry around. I would actually be thrilled if you decided to have another fic set in the same universe about the new children. I mean, you don't have to I'm just saying as a fan if you did decide to do that I'm sure a lot of people would be excited to see it.

So now, since this enormous review has gone on long enough I will close with a great work! And maybe a see y'all later.
DragonSapphire chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
I love the way you write these two! I like Butters a little aggressive and Kenny a little sweet. This was perfect! :)
Lilyru chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
This is absolutely beautiful. I almost want to beg for a second part, but it feels so complete just the way it is at the same time. I adore it. Thank you.
wildcannabis chapter 1 . 12/26/2011
So sweet, oh my god. I love the scene you've set, and the dynamic between the two. The cigarette stomping ritual, the freckles... it all made it so personal and real. I really enjoyed the story :)
KeiMaxwell chapter 1 . 12/21/2011
I loved this right in the beginning for the sole fact that they're in their superhero costumes. And it just got better while reading on. Lovely oneshot!
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