Reviews for Gathering of Wardens
Isolationistmagi chapter 1 . 6/8/2012
I've always liked when warden's from parallel universes crossed paths in stories, and this was done quite well. I should probably read the stories the wardens appear in though, to get a better idea of their personalities.
Corvus corone chapter 1 . 8/1/2011
Hahahahaha! This is brilliant! Loved Cel's parting words, and of course The Booming Voice... :D
Kendoka Girl chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Ack, my new story alert system is down. I'm glad I took a look. :)

Darkspawn into amphibians! I could just see the little corrupted ribbits.

Dagna was another one I just had a heart for 3

My XBox just died! LOL That was my Mass Effect story. I was about to escape from Noveria and the rachni when the video card went kaput. :(
Reyavie chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
I had to stop, go get a cup of coffee and come back because waking to this was *amazing*. You do have a lovely gift for humor, should use it more often! Because I was back to laughing all over again. I adored that you managed to pull off that many Wardens, that different. It was just amazing. I adored it.

That said, Cel's appearance. Not creepy at all, that kid. Though Merran might be scarier... Anyway :D So lovely.
Abydos Jackson chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Hehe...I knew you were up to mischief. ;-) I wonder how many of us shout at the game whilst we play? :-D Nice work as always. You should do more of these challenges. :-D
Enaid Aderyn chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
This? Utter awesomnosity. I freaking adore your choices of Wardens. Particularly a joy to see Cel, the Best Mahariel Evah.

Did I say I loved it? I did, yes indeed.

Sharem chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
*snickers* This was great...*snorts and giggles* I saw this challenge at Cheeky Monkeys, but I knew that I couldn't pull it off as well as this...XD

You did an awesome job...*reads again and laughs even more* I think you did a good job if my mom gives me a weird look while laughing at something on the computer...XD
Ygrain33 chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Cheers to the Booming Voice! - Were there _ever_ two similar Wardens, I wonder? Good luck with the X-box, the idea of the millions of Wardens meeting in one place is somewhat disturbing :-)
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
Cel! Oh good grief, this was an inspired group of incredibly disparate Wardens, but you pulled it off wonderfully in your own, brilliant style - and the voice at the end...Hilarious!

I so love Tasha...and your Elissa returns to be grim at everyone, tee hee...
Shakespira chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
LOL, another awesome answer to Reyavie's challenge. Clever, clever use of the eluvian to get them all into the same space and the personalities clashed brilliantly.

This: Oh, great. Lost in Maker-knows-where-land with a shemicidal, shemophobic crazy elf lady. Fantastic." Elissa shook her head in disgust. What next? Still laughing hysterically.

I want to write more, can't...laughing too much...awesome job!