Reviews for Kingdom Hearts III: Essence of the Heart
caitlinkeitorin chapter 26 . 8/31/2012
Wow. I feel dumb XD I didn't realize you'd updated until after I posted that review yesterday. My bad.

Anyway, I don't have a lot of experience with Sonic, but I already think this world is interesting. I loved Kairi's logic XD And because I don't have much to say this time, but I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
LittleKing9512 chapter 26 . 8/30/2012
Hope you do a few chappies for Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. The Disney characters need some more love and attention on this site.
PlsyboyXXX chapter 26 . 8/30/2012
i cant wait till you go to Port Royal thats gonna be awsome! hmm i wonder if its gonna be based off of dead mans chest i still cant wait
caitlinkeitorin chapter 25 . 8/30/2012
Sorry I'm so late reading. Lots of stuff going on. And I've been generally distracted by KH3D. As you said, amazing game :3 So much fangirling.

So I decided to try this thing where I don't point out every teeny tiny mistake as I read, and just enjoy the story 8D Hope that's okay, lol. I had a lot more fun this way. I don't even remember seeing many, if any, mistakes in this chapter, but there were some minor punctuation errors in the last chapter. Nothing huge. Nothing new.

I think splitting up is a good idea-so far, this has been a lot of characters to keep up with. Are we going to be following both groups? Cuz I really, really like Quest for Camelot (assuming that's what you're talking about xD), but I don't know what Speed Zone is, so I wanna see both. I'm just curious.

Update soon!
LittleKing9512 chapter 25 . 8/23/2012
Camelot is probably one of the home worlds for Maleficent's crew right.

Speed Zone is more than likely the sonic world.
LittleKing9512 chapter 24 . 8/23/2012
What do the cards even do?
LittleKing9512 chapter 23 . 8/23/2012
I think I have reviewer's block.
LittleKing9512 chapter 22 . 8/23/2012
LittleKing9512 chapter 21 . 8/23/2012
Damn I understood it right away so I'm not sick minded enough. :(-pout
LittleKing9512 chapter 20 . 8/23/2012

Raxyn: This is really funny actually. (Struggling with keeping up his emo composure and not breaking out laughing like a madman.)
LittleKing9512 chapter 19 . 8/23/2012
fine with me Will seems like an emo version of Cloud.
LittleKing9512 chapter 18 . 8/23/2012
I understand your pain in regards to the idiot guys. :)-symphathetic smile
LittleKing9512 chapter 17 . 8/23/2012
She's up to something isn't she? Raxyn start stalking Maleficent and she what she is up to!

Raxyn: Better than being here with you. (Leaves)

(Gives Raxyn the 'You killed my goldfish glare')
LittleKing9512 chapter 16 . 8/23/2012
Really? Alice moved on from Wonderland? I find that hard to believe.
LittleKing9512 chapter 15 . 8/23/2012
That's convenient.
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