Reviews for Torque
Captain Jasmine Vanity chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
iwhy is there plot in my porn and why am i intrigued/i
Little-Pandora-s-Box chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
Sorry, I had forgotten to log in during hte previous message.

So I really like that story. Will you do a sequel? I can't keep but wonder if Dean is going to call Sam again or not..
Angie chapter 1 . 4/14/2012
This is a great story. Will you do a sequel ?
C8H7N3O2 chapter 1 . 2/3/2012
Oh that was really fun! Loved it!
melitta4ever chapter 1 . 12/5/2011
Dean needs to call him. He will call him, right?

Please don't let it slip as a shameful one-night-stand. Don't let him go through, whatever it is, alone. Dean can't do it alone, he just needs Sam. He might know it yet, but he needs him.

You portrayed Dean in so much pain, it broke my heart. And I believe it's author's responsibility to give some peace of mind to the reader. I need to know he's going to be OK, please?

I need it. He needs it. Hell, Sammy needs it. I want to see this beautifully broken and ruined Dean to be taken care of by this strong hunter. I want him to find peace and security with this wild stranger.

I want Sam to kick some ass, save the poor model and claim him. I want him to get what is his! I want...

OK sorry I lost myself... I was going to write about how hot the story and all but that had to wait. I needed something to help my broken heart before drooling over the keyboard. ;)

I have no idea how you managed to get such a kinky/porny subject and make a story that makes us cry softly. Thanks for sharing )
flishflash chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
I agree with clolot: this needs a sequel. It's always fun to have not raised together/ not brothers Sam and dean. Prostitution or sex is duh a great way for them to meet too. And sam's right- dean totally did not seem ok. 'ruin me': so hot, so not ok! Haha... Anyway, I'd be interested to see where you take this. I've read some of your other stuff (the story with Mary and Sam Campbell) and you're a great writer. We want more!

fairyqueenie chapter 1 . 9/29/2011
holy hanna that was hot!
Clolot chapter 1 . 9/13/2011
That... was... so... HOT !

I don't know which one is more insane; you for writing this or me for tottaly loving it! Well, I'm sure it's

me (Yeah! I won! The first time I won in something! XD)

I loved this story so much that I went to see what other fics you wrote (and I wasn't disappointed with what I found), but I have to say this story lacks something and I have one word to describe what this thing is: sequel. (Hey, it's still one word even if it is repeated a lot of time)! You have to wrote a sequel or a second (or maybe more?) chapter, cause although it was hot like hell I have to say I was expecting a little more at the end. I'm not criticizing your story or something else cause I found everything great from the plot to how you wrote the characters, but it was sooo frustrating how he just leave Dean like that in the bed without, actually, going to serious business! I was so expecting to see Sam jump him on the bed and have so crazy sex. TT

Ok, I'm calming down... I just wanted to say that the end is just making the reader want to see more. You just can't read the end and not wanting to know what will happen next or how their next meeting will be or if Sam will stay with Dean and stop doing this with other people (oh God, I so like to see a sub Dean and a dom Sam!)

Soooo... will you hear the pleadings of this poor girl who write you a freaking long review with a lot of nonsenses in it and who is litteraly begging you to do a sequel? *pleading with tear-filled-shining eyes*

PS: don't worry if people didn't review, they are just to shy to say they liked it!
TheGirlInThePinkScarf chapter 1 . 8/4/2011
I absolutely loved this! :)