Reviews for Choices
Hana13 chapter 57 . 12/17/2015
Amazing fic! This seems really popular yet you haven't update in a long time...I hope you'll pick this up and finish it! :)
Eliizabethx chapter 57 . 3/11/2014
This story is SO amazing! I just spent the last 3 days reading through this and I think this might just be one of the best fanfictions (whatever the fandom) I have ever read.

Your writing style is amazing, and the characters are so real, and the PLOT... I'm not even sure how to describe how much I enjoyed reading all of this.

I see that it's been like a year since you updated this, so I'm just wondering if you're going to continue this?

Thanks for writing this awesome story!
Pint-sized She-Bear chapter 57 . 3/26/2013
I always did like Cullen.
Enchanter T.I.M chapter 57 . 3/4/2013
Well this might be my last review...mostly to do with 'll admit it my intelligence has been lacking and I can barely focus on stories that should be their own separate novels with adoring fans *hint hint*. I blame my seasonal depression and new meds...other than You make me feel ashamed and urged on to be a better writer with this
OrielleD chapter 37 . 2/11/2013
I've been reading up on this here as well as the alternate hosting site and have really enjoyed what I've seen so far.

You've put a lot of love and thought into your characterizations of post-war Hawke & Co, as well as AU Fenris. It's very evident and I find them totally believable.

I've also found myself rooting for OC's Hassrath and Meraas, I love reading about Hassrath's internal struggle as Tal-Vashoth, and love the story you set (focusing on potential Qunari invasion rather than the Mage Rebellion).

I'd recommend this story to anyone I knew, if I knew anyone interested in DA2 fanfic. Some spelling errors and little grammatical pet peeves but honestly, if someone can't read past those they have no business on .

Thanks for the read!
sam623 chapter 52 . 1/27/2013
I'm guessing the commission suggestions area closed but just because I like to be participatory, but I would go with Hawke stealing Fenris and Hawke grooming Fenris, though the Qunari ones are also cool. This has to be the best Fenris x FemHawke story I have ever read. It really is amazing. It doesn't seem to be completed and I'm so very much hoping you haven't given up on it.
timunderwood9 chapter 3 . 12/3/2012
"Hawke couldn't understand a word but knew Arcanum when she heard it,"

That doesn't make much sense given she just spent a year in Tevinter holding a job for a magister, even if she was supposed to have come in as a foreigner she ought to have picked up quite a bit of it (certainly the curse words) by that point. Immersion and all.

It feels like a continuity error.
omnomanon chapter 56 . 11/15/2012
I don't think I've posted a review saying as much yet but...
thankyouthankyouthankyouthan kyouthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyouthankyouthankyouthan kyouthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyouthankyouthankyouthan kyouthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyouthankyouthankyouthan kyouthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyouthankyouthankyouthan kyou! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
NoMadKa chapter 56 . 11/11/2012
every time i read the story i get shocked at how epic it is. well, may be not so epic, but the scale of the events here... it's amazing how you managed to do this
Enchanter T.I.M chapter 56 . 11/1/2012
Well this was a great pick me up for today. I think I might be a little biased and not care anymore for what happens with the two Tal-Vasoth or whats his name templar or hawke and fenris...this right here with Seb, Baldovin an Aveline really made me want to read more about them.

Granted the parallels between breeding stock of nobility and horses I had to have an inner giggle due to their station...or could just be me being malicious. As usual a fabulous chapter.
DiekeNetherlands chapter 18 . 10/25/2012
I've only this morning started to read your story and I think it's wonderful. I have just finished reading the two chapters that were deemed unacceptable on your own wedside and with all the will of the world can't understand why they would be offending. They are by far the most wonderful love-making stories I've stumbled upon so far. Thank you!
Enchanter T.I.M chapter 55 . 10/24/2012
Ahh, the feels. Plus heavy writing this semester killed any joy for reading without going off into a critical analysis, so Im rightfully saving my reviews as "Oh my gerd, its sho awesum!"

Heh, forgive me.
NoMadKa chapter 54 . 10/6/2012
The way you write the things, whatever it is - sex, politics or mundane things - is so touching. I mean a reader feels everything with every fibre of his being, he is not witnessing, but rather living through the moments. I'm so happy right now I discovered your story all that time ago
Missy chapter 54 . 9/21/2012
I really love ur story and i enjoy reading it, i just can't find your restricted chapters for the life of me! Is there any way u could email them to me please? My email is i really hate to stop reading because i get tired of missing something in the restricted chapters. Keep writing! :D
NoMadKa chapter 53 . 9/1/2012
what i love your story for - it is deep)
btw, i found only one art at Mistiqarts', the one with kossith
what about art with kisses? i want to see that one!
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