Reviews for For My King
Eidyllia chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
You should really write more in this fandom! This story is very good and involving and inspirational! Edmund is wonderful and very kingly, a model for all, the Just King! And he's so patent and understanding with Caspian! If I were Edmund, I'd tell Caspian that Peter is his King too, but I'm glad he didn't: Caspian couldn't understand at this point of the movie...
I always like good stories about Edmund and Caspian befriending!
Anyway, I really love this! And the oath is a nice touch!
Please, write more (especially about the Just King) :)
CatchySayo chapter 1 . 10/18/2012
Oh, an oath. A king's oath. Right. Well . . . but look at what that oath has done... Okay, maybe it was not really the oath itself, and not even the one who holds to it; the one who swore it, but the one to whom it was sworn... Oh, dear Peter. Anyway, I guess all things happen for the best. Even the pretty ugly ones.

But wow, this piece is wonderful. Thank you, Edmund, for being our new Narnian king-to-be's teacher! Again, great fic. Awesome job on it, too! :)
raneko.Otaku chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
oh~ the ending was almost ominous. very nice story and yes I agree. This should have been included in the more insight to their characters and Edmund clearly did not get enough parts! :D

I look forward to reading more of your stories! -
silvanelf chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
I wish there were more stories like this, showing Edmund and Caspian interacting. Edmund has always been my favorite character. You did a really good job here. :)
ironandopal chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
This is absolutely fantastic! The thing about the Narnia movies (and pretty much any movie that is based on a book) is that there is so much character development that was left out. It's a shame that they didn't have a scene like this, because the two actors have great chemistry and would have played your scene out beautifully. I love your portrayal of Edmund especially, he's such a complex character. Well done!
Sleepyreader13 chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
This is really good. ]

X Sleepyreader13
Louey06 chapter 1 . 10/9/2011
This was very good I really liked it
Miso Muchi chapter 1 . 9/15/2011
I don't like first person, but I liked the idea enough to read it.
D.J. Adams chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Awesome. I loved how you portrayed Edmund. Great job!

-Desi Jo
Hilariter chapter 1 . 8/16/2011
I like it. Sorry, it's not great prose or a deep and involved story, but it is good.

I enjoyed the fact that it wasn't centered on the brothers, as a good many fics are. I especially enjoyed the return to Aslan in the movieverse, and I think you bring up a very good point. Peter might be the High King, but A) that does not make him infallible and B) particularly for Caspian, Peter should not have been the authority figure. Aslan set up the Four for a purpose, but Caspian was set up to rule singly under Aslan.

Nicely done!
AlambilStar chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
If this would've been in the movie, it would easily have been my favorite scene. There was never much interaction between Caspian and Edmund, and I love what you did with the characters! Very carefully written. I particularly love how you painted Edmund- very mature and wise. Well done!
midnightjuliet chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
This was lovely. You captured the characters so well, it seemed like it could easily have been a deleted scene from the movie. Great Job! (:
moonlighttrail chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
Beautiful story full of substance! This does explain why Caspian decided to accept Peter's plan which wasn't ever explained in the movie. Minus a few spelling/grammatical errors it was very good writing too. You are able to paint pictures with your words, not all writers can do that. Kudos as well for keeping very close to(movie)characterization; none of that OOC or A/U stuff a lot of people on here are fond of writing.
Yune - The Ravenclaw Writer chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
This was very good. I agree, this should have been a conversation that they had(: I love Chronicles of Narnia. Are you a Christian or do you just like the fantasy?

You're still doing a great job on Bitten in the Moonlight by the way(: I'm really enjoying it. I can't think of a name for Lily though :(
Belle of Books chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
I wish this was in the movie. I like how you have Edmund admitting the foolishness of the cause but willing to fight because of his oath. I like this a lot. Well done. I wish there was more work like this on this site. Good job.