Reviews for Hikikomori
I-Nex-I chapter 1 . 3/26
Very sweet, and I like that Red didn’t just solo her whole team with one pokemon
CosmicPanda chapter 1 . 4/8/2018
You sayin i wasn't good enough to beat red in gold? You wot m8?
SawuScimitar74 chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
I really enjoyed the idea of tow of the most powerful trainers pairing up with each other. It really makes them have such huge potential in what they can do together. Everyone is in character, and those are the kinds of stories I enjoy. Stories are only good if everyone is in character. You did a bang up job of it! I really enjoyed reading this fanfic, and I hope you'll write a sequel or continue writing this story.
Nolonger420 chapter 1 . 9/2/2015
It's funn how Red gets anything he wants (or not) with battles, in this time, Cynthia's love lol.

I liked it. Well written, characters being like the games and anime (Cynthia's case).

And yeah, the couple seems cool :D
fluffpenguin chapter 1 . 9/20/2014
This was a fun story. There was a little problem with the transitioning but overall a good story. Hope you keep writing more of these.
ApprenticeOfDaedalus chapter 1 . 6/6/2014
And later, Blue found the two of them passionately making sweet, sweet love. Blue later needed special care from Mewtwo to removed his horrific memories. The End.
heroman45 chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
Lets see... Blue is a cocky jerk? Check! Red is a quiet powerhouse? Check! Charizard is a powerhouse badass? Check! Cynthia...Cynthia... dang that was good! Relationship was rushed, but since this is a one-shot it can be forgiven. When I saw Cynthia, I was expecting an overwhelming presence to match her being one of the toughest champions in the series. However, you made her sort of shy and adventurous at the same time. Well done.
roughstar333 chapter 1 . 3/27/2013
dude there why no lemon
BloodTrinity chapter 1 . 12/22/2012
Eh, are you gonna continue this?
AnisoulJ93 chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
Yay, you included Espeon. I didn't like that they changed him for Lapras in Soul Silver.
Taco and Sombrero chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Loved it. Chasing after Motres was the perfect reason for Cynthia to travel to and meeting Red. The scene between Green and Cynthia was also great, you kept Green in character, after all he was always s bit of a troll, but also a powerful trainer and Red's sworn rival.

The battle between the Sinnoh champion and the legendary trainer was epic. It was exciting and keeping in mind that they were under harsh weather conditions added a nice touch.

I thank you for writing this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
That was really good my friend. So amazing I loved it, perfection.
Isaac X chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
In spite of the slightly rushed feeling I got near the end this was an amazing story, it could have been even better if it had been extended to a 3 part story and you had more time to develop Cynthia's and Red's relationship and maybe have Red unravel the rocket's plans and destroy it.
Other than that I got to say, I loved it! Red was shown to be as intimidating and powerful as he is in the gameverse, the battle was amazingly done, and Cynthia was well written as well, with the exception of the rushed part at the end.

This is a solid story from top to bottom. Keep it up.
Oh, and faved!
rayningnight chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
This was surprisingly good for a Red/Cynthia fic. I don't usually see these, and no, Ash is NOT Red, so yeah.


PS: I don't know why, but this felt a bit rushed - the way the two fell for each other. Oh well, I suppose that was the whole point.

PPS: Maybe if you ever get bored, you could do a spin-off story when Cynthia going on that vacation to Hoenn to meet Steven. Just an idea, nothing more.
5th Dimension chapter 1 . 4/28/2012
It's good... to a point. It feels like you tried to crash the two together. I don't know if it was the excitement of the moment, the possibility of sex, or what have you, but knowing how Cynthia is, I'm sure she wouldn't have been so quick to kiss him. And Red, withdrawn for what in your story has been nine years, wouldn't have been so quick to reciprocate. This needs more character and relationship development.
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