Reviews for Voices
mi-shell87 chapter 14 . 12/6/2011
I'm really enjoying this story, and I can't wait for the next chapter! :-)
LizLeepers chapter 14 . 8/27/2011
This is such a fun story! I love the straight to it lemon.
Black Devil Car chapter 14 . 8/27/2011
Great chapter! I really liked the misunderstanding when he asked her on the date. I don't think Draco and his friends joke around like hermione and her friends do.
Black Devil Car chapter 13 . 8/27/2011
Cute chapter! Like Goyle compng to Draco to get on the team, and really like the very end of the chapter.
Black Devil Car chapter 12 . 8/27/2011
I was worried her would not treat Hermione the same now that his house was back. But, that does not seem to be the case.
Her Royal Goddess chapter 14 . 8/27/2011
Thank you for treating us to 3 chapters altogether...I'm loving the fact you brought the Slytherins back that's certainly going to set the cat among the pigeons.

I can't wait to find out where Draco's taking her on a date Xx
kew113091 chapter 11 . 8/21/2011
Ahh! I'm so in love with this story! I found it first on GE and noticed that you were uploading other stories there from here.. so i looked and there were 11 chapters her vs 4 there.. i got SOOO excited. This story had me hooked. It's so different from the rest of the dramione's out there.. and since dramione is the only ship I read, reading something new is refreshing. Can't wait to read more!

also, as weird as Harry/Ron is.. it works for this fic.. lol

keep up the great writingg i'll def be waiting with bated breath for new chappies :)
BewilderedFemale chapter 11 . 8/21/2011
I like the Draco you have created in this tale, and I'm eager to see the progress between him and Hermione.
DemonQueenBee chapter 11 . 8/19/2011
lucawindmover chapter 11 . 8/19/2011
So good! I love that Hermione and Draco finally seemed to have a tender moment. And Harry and It's so improbable but I love it all the same. Great work. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
DeedeeLovesFanfics chapter 11 . 8/19/2011
Oh goodness.

I can't explain how much I loved this!
lilyflower42 chapter 11 . 8/18/2011
I love this chapter! The Draco-Hermione bonding at the end was amazing. They are just great characters and you describe their interactions so well. I especially like the last line of the chapter!
Black Devil Car chapter 11 . 8/18/2011
Loved this

Her Royal Goddess chapter 11 . 8/18/2011
Super chapter, how gormless are Harry and Ron not to realise that they'd been slipped a mickey in their food...Loving Draco's sweetness.

TheLadyBookworm chapter 10 . 8/17/2011
Talk about a spicy dish!
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