Reviews for Unscripted
Lovely Black Butterfly chapter 9 . 4/21
OMG! This chapter literally broke my heart. I've know this loneliness.
clickpic chapter 20 . 3/5
Thanks so much for this story. I very much enjoyed it.
clickpic chapter 15 . 3/5
Great chapter...
clickpic chapter 12 . 3/4
Just found your story and am really enjoying it. Love this chapter!
Burnsides-Girl chapter 20 . 11/9/2018
You didn’t disappoint :) I love this story so much! Thank you for finishing it and I have really really enjoyed the trip. It was an elegant journey that brought heartache and love and I hope to read through this again sometime. Thank you!
Burnsides-Girl chapter 19 . 11/9/2018
I know you said it was rough and un-betaed but it doesn’t matter, this whole chapter was perfect. So lovely and pure, my heart aches when I read this story. I wish I could fall in Love the way you write your characters. But alas, my life is not fiction. Abosolutely love this story and I can’t wait to read the ending!
Burnsides-Girl chapter 17 . 11/9/2018
I just want to say I am really glad that everyone accepted them, or at least appeared to. I know it might not be that simple in the next couple chapters, but a girl can dream :)
bbmassey88 chapter 20 . 8/27/2018
OMG! I loved this story! I was wanting more!
Saralynnb chapter 20 . 7/8/2018
Amazing! Amazing! Amazing story. I'm shocked there's not more reviews. I'm under the weather today and binge read this whole story. I really enjoy it.
AshSomber chapter 8 . 4/3/2018
You had me locked inside my own mind, captivated and compelled to take my time and try to understand the story as you meant for it to be understood. You are a lovely writer and I appreciate this story more than ever right now. It's been awhile since Ive had something so well written to obsess over. Thanks. -AshSomber
drul chapter 20 . 12/15/2017
Great story! I couldn’t stop reading it til this chapter... I've been reading it these last 2 days, so worth it! I loved that your Bella is really thoughtful and confident
Thank you :)
LinaBug chapter 20 . 10/23/2017
Such a good story! and so well written
varthanaa chapter 20 . 6/18/2016
This is fabulously written story!
So lovely.
Somehow I find myself quite jealous of them.
Pathomnemonic chapter 20 . 2/7/2016
I liked this...alot! Very sweet (not too sweet) and no unnecessary drama.
Adeline21 chapter 20 . 7/24/2015
Félicitations pour cette belle histoire, magnifiquement écrite. J'ai pris un vrai plaisir à la lire, merci pour ce beau moment !
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