Reviews for Intelligent Conversation
JustAnotherMarvelFanGirl881 chapter 23 . 6/26
Oh this is awesome..
I love it..
What about, doing something, where Cloud ends up summoning Sebastian, while laying on the table in the lab in ShinRa manor. Oh that would make an awesome fanfic on its own..
JustAnotherMarvelFanGirl881 chapter 16 . 6/25
I laughed so hard, I forgot to breath..
And nearly pissed myself,while almost falling off the bed..
Poor Cloud..
Ravyn Moon 1313 chapter 23 . 5/31
oh ... i did not know i needed this crossover ... and no my life will never be the same again i think i am hooked on that pairing now
xXSilmeriaXx chapter 23 . 5/27
Hi there!

I hope this message finds you well, and safe :)

So uuuh, I feel like I'm kind of late to the party, but whatever!
I should definitely start by thanking you for the awesome moments I spent reading your stories! As I'm reading on the app, I don't have an access to the review feature... So I read everything and now that I finished Intelligent Conversation, I thought I should leave you a message to tell you how much I appreciate your work :)

It's been a while since you updated/uploaded anything from what I see, so I hope you'll still see this, but really, thank you.
I laughed and cried all along Cloud's journey; I definitely sweat and hurt a few times too... But it was all so nice! Intelligent Conversation is definitely one of my favorites here. I love the way you write those characters, they feel so... real...! Probably the best portraying of Genesis I could read (I think you nailed it, really). I feel like you really love that character too, as well as the others, and that's probably the reason why all the pieces you wrote were so nice to read. I'll probably come back and read them again.

Of course, I'd be happy to see the end of Legacy, or more chapters of Intelligent Conversation one day, if you feel like it.
Anyway, my point was: THANK YOU, for bringing those pieces to us :)

I had an amazing time reading you.

I wish you the best, and please take care!
bloodylake chapter 6 . 2/6
Sephiroth is scared of chocobos! XD
Darkwingdragon chapter 11 . 5/29/2019
Hey, I have an idea for another monster story. How about one about Cloud questioning why people don't tame griffons and ride them (they do ride chocobos, after all) And maybe include him actually attempting to ride one to prove to Genesis that people should ride griffons as well. Of course that would mean that there would be trampling and Genesis facepalming involved. I'm guessing that there is a 1% chance that this idea will be used. Anywho, thanks for giving me things to laugh my head off at!
Guest chapter 7 . 1/5/2019
Littwink chapter 23 . 6/13/2018
Claud and Genesis are such drama queens! I love it!

I’ve decided to make a compilation of FFVII FFN fanfics that aren’t on AO3 to share with others, and I’d like to include this one. If you’d rather I not share this please tell me. If you’d like more information and or the link when I finally publish the list please inform me. Otherwise, thank you for making such a wonderful contribution to the FFVII fandom! I hope that sharing this with others will gain you more readers!
Abyssal Angel chapter 16 . 5/17/2018
Huh. And here I thought you were ultimately going to have Cloud flip out when he noticed his own boobs. Unless he's just randomly cross dressing for some reason in this story and that's somehow normal for him, which would be an odd twist.
Abyssal Angel chapter 15 . 5/17/2018
"I just got tired of seeing bullies with such mundane names."

Uhhh... isn't Kadaj spelled backwards pretty mundane though? Well, mundane as in fairly simple, considering switching Kadaj from a bullying psycho to a bullying psycho with his name backwards, rather than calling the name Jadak non-unique.
guest chapter 23 . 1/16/2018
did ever come out how angeal get's into genesis apartment?
guest chapter 23 . 1/16/2018
if you're still searching for a title for the infamous unicorn book, how about:
"the adventures of skippy, the brave happy little unicorn"
as i think 'the unicorn book' sounds like a book for children. ...and that would be something your cloud would read, no? *smirks*
guest chapter 23 . 1/16/2018
-"What do you suppose happens to us after we die?""We get absorbed back into the Lifestream."-
first you become a firefly, then you become jell-o. the poisonous-glowing green kind.

genesis and my. O_O
oh MY O_O and he's flirting with genesis.
O_O that's worse than hojo in a dress, because that grell is canon. i could totally see that happening
(wondered when the grell you promised would turn up) O_O you have me greatly disturbed.
...and genesis has to repair his sword. or get a new one.
...AND sharing bone-cookies with the Undertaker.
is it strange that i find that cute?

hm. as this is the last chapter for now, let me say
GREAT WORK! nice story! liked the chapters with cloud and genesis in nibelheim thinking vincent was a ghost, and the one with cloud's 'genderswitch-nightmare' the best.
(through him meeting grell was fabulous)
i don't think you had a chapter with zombies jet, maybe if you've got some inspiration you'll want to write some more? :-) if not, i very much enjoyed your story. love genesis. love cloud. genesis&cloud, even better. :-)
guest chapter 22 . 1/16/2018
who's stupid enough to give a summon his own materia?, that is.(at last he's cute)
guest chapter 21 . 1/16/2018
sephiroth,"i feel with you. chocobos are creepy!
there's something wrong with chickens that are taller than humans.
they're EVIL. obviously.
...they just want you to think otherwise. _
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