Reviews for Helping Hand
GummyKiwi chapter 11 . 4/12/2017
Definitely late to the party here, but I gotta say this was adorable beyond measure. You can tell that you're not American just by subtle differences in word choices (boot/trunk, windscreen/windshield, bonnet/hood, etc.) yet that didn't detract from the story at all. Wonderfully written and a pleasure to read ]
Alex chapter 11 . 8/3/2016
I absolutely love this story! But there were moments where the words confused me but none the less it was dank good story c:
Eli Der Autor chapter 11 . 10/20/2015
This fanfiction made me cry. I applaud you. This is so amazing.

I included a review for it in an article I wrote for my favorite Supernatural fanfictions. The link is here:

If you would like me to take it down, I will do so immediately. I just thoroughly enjoyed it and want others to as well.

Never stop writing.
jj-the-bookish-badger chapter 11 . 2/14/2015
I'm gonna be totally honest and say I'm not much of a Sabriel shipper. I don't really see them together, but am still open to the idea. And the idea of Bobby/Crowley really weirds me out.
That said, this was beautiful. You portrayed all the characters really well and I was honestly moved by this story. I'm actually in a great deal of emotional pain right now because I want this for them. I want this to be the truth because Lord knows Team Free Will deserves it. It kills me to think about the fact that Bobby and Jo and Ellen and Balthazar are all dead, and Gabriel is MIA, to realize that this scenario won't ever take place. But I can still hope that Destiel happens, and that Gabe comes back. I'm good with him and Sam getting together or just being friends- I just think he'd be a good addition to their little family.
Suffice it to say, I have major feels from reading this, and I'm happy but also upset at you for doing this to me. In any case, you have some real talent. Keep writing! The world needs more good fanfiction.
-Joanna Jade (Jj)
cucoo4cas chapter 11 . 4/24/2014
God, that was cute. I really enjoyed the plot and I thoroughly enjoyed Gabriel in general. Loved reading it! :D
JuniorWoofles chapter 11 . 2/9/2014
I loved reading this entire story. It was cheeky and fluffy and I loved the Doctor Who reference. Too cute
hunter-in-a-trenchcoat chapter 11 . 1/29/2014
YOU ARE FREAKING AMAZING! I'm literally crying right now from how beautiful this was! you are an amazing writer and this story by far is the best fanfiction story I have EVER read in my entire life! This may sound weird, but I love you for making this story! it was perfect in every way, and I was really entertained and I was actually kind of surprised with how well this was done! wow... You are truly an amazing person with awesome writing talent! AWESOME JOB!
hunter-in-a-trenchcoat chapter 10 . 1/28/2014
i havent started ch 10 yet and i know you finished this story a while ago, but HOLY CRAP YOURE AMAZING! this story is so intriguing and amazing, i wish it was real! You are an amazing writer, and i LOVE the way you do everything and set everything up! This is really awesome, and i hope you had fun writing this, because i sure as hell enjoyed reading this!
SuperTardis chapter 11 . 10/3/2013
I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! So detailed and just perfect, I could imagine it so well in my head and feel what the character was feeling. Thank you do much for writing this. C:
GuiltyBystanders chapter 11 . 9/16/2013
I loved this story, thank you so much for writing it.
GuiltyBystanders chapter 10 . 9/15/2013
Yay, together finally.
GuiltyBystanders chapter 9 . 9/15/2013
I liked hearing everyone's gifts.
GuiltyBystanders chapter 8 . 9/15/2013
I adored this chapter.
GuiltyBystanders chapter 7 . 9/13/2013
Wow, you know a lot about malachite. I really loved this chapter too.
GuiltyBystanders chapter 6 . 9/12/2013
Is Dean starting to wise up perhaps? Exciting stuff!
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