Reviews for Mage Rising chapter 13 . 6/19
Oh man! I wish there was more to this amazing story! chapter 10 . 6/19
Eeekkk! Love the alliance. It makes so much sense and is so fun. chapter 3 . 6/18
Love love love this simple change that makes a huge difference! Can’t wait to read more.
Vanadir chapter 13 . 5/12
Thank you for a great story fantastic
Guest chapter 13 . 5/11
Thank you for making this isolation a little more bearable.
ankitmahat chapter 1 . 2/26
Harry talking calmly with Voldemort and then with his friends doesn't really show the desperation of a person who almost lost his most precious person. The whole chapter seems rehearsed and wrong.
The premise of the story was quite interesting but the author just wasn't able to do it justice with his mediocre writing skills.
carbonadoyourshanks chapter 1 . 2/15
This is probably the only time I’ve seen the whole ‘Emrys Index’ idea actually done well. In a way that isn’t really over the top and cringy, etc. Excellently written overall and gave me some inspiration for a story I started that has a somewhat similar premise. Very well done!
Dr8gn chapter 13 . 1/24
oh come on just got good
Guest chapter 13 . 1/24
It has been just obver a decade since you posted this chapter. While it does indeed skirt the line between parody and cliché, there is something intensely satisfying in seeing the wizarding soviety of Britian teeter at the edge of collapse, but take a step back. Yes a Super! Harry enabled it, slong with a persuadible Kong of the Goblins, a stalwart Madame Bones and a Dumbledore who knows when to give over.

If you have time , I would be happy to sr it completed . Thank you.
Guest chapter 12 . 12/15/2019
I hate it when hermione hits harry for whatever reason; it's HITTING! THAT'S NEVER ACCEPTABLE! CUT IT OUT.
Bronze chapter 3 . 12/3/2019
Ame's world chapter 13 . 11/24/2019
A wonderful fanfic
Thanks a lot
Charley chapter 13 . 11/24/2019
I enjoyed your story but sincerely hope you keep going even if your muse has faded.
TOR1N chapter 13 . 11/19/2019
please cont. this story
coul532003 chapter 7 . 10/30/2019
Let me say that I think this story is wonderful, and a great joy to read. I don't believe I have had the pleasure of reading something with as original a story line as this one to the extent of the power contained in the group. The story line is hard to embellish from JKR's and not deviate too much, but you have done a wonderful job of implementing the changes.

I believe the "flames" are similar to the bubotuber pus filled letters or howlers the "fans" of HP and HG send when they don't seem to like something. How strange the similarity is. Just hope this did not deter you from exercising your desire to create more entertaining stories. I note there is only story you seem to have on this site, but hope you were not discouraged by rude comments from someone that did not have the talent to create a story of their own. Hope you trudge on with your talent.
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