Reviews for From the Beginning
IcySprings chapter 30 . 7/23/2012
I'm dying of sweet fluffy cuteness... It's not a bad way to go. This is so freaking adorable! I love Toshihiko so much, he's so cute (and as an added bonus: not created from an mpreg! Yay!) Fai and Kurogane are such cute daddies... I just love this so much...
Jaylea Nyx Felesian chapter 30 . 1/20/2012
Sorry for only sending one review . but I had to read straight through. So I'd like to say this first, very rarely do I come across a yaoi (of any couple) as good as this. Most of the time its mostly straight romance but the friendship that you showed between them was very heart warming and because of that the love was all the more warmer. _ Thank you for writing this!

Now I really have nothing to complain about~ really don't but as I read there were a few mistakes but nothing that really stuck out. Overall the flow was really good so I stayed interested though most of it. I won't lie, some chapters were much better then others but nothing is perfect.

I'd have to say that it surprises me but I really enjoyed the first half of the story more then them actually being a couple. Its just something about new love that gets me, the excitement of running around like teenagers in love and you really captured that. Between Kuro-rin's slowness in figuring out his feelings to Fai trying to help him just made me giggle. Both of them were really IC, from Fai's "don't injure yourself because of me" and Kuro-tan's "appreciate yourself more", eh such good writing.

So I'll stop gushing now~ Really look forward to looking at the one-shots of these to as well as more of your work!

3 J.N.F
psycho chibbi chapter 30 . 12/23/2011
Wow, that was a whole lot of in character epic awesomeness. I really enjoyed it.
Kisuke17Night chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
ive only gotten to finish the first chap cuz its late n im tired but its great so far cant wait to see wat else happens between those two
Nyankichii chapter 30 . 12/9/2011
It's so sad that this story has to end... Well, I guess that all good (amazing) things have to end
wolf1380 chapter 30 . 12/9/2011
a lovely story. loved the ending.
Mindlessadri chapter 30 . 12/9/2011
Eeep. I loved this story overall.

I am so impressed because, really, you had like no grammatical or spelling errors. Something I wish I could achieve.

As always your writing is so great and I am thoroughly jealous in every way.

Both of you did amazing.
James Birdsong chapter 29 . 12/8/2011
Oh gee the twelve chapters are great
wolf1380 chapter 29 . 12/5/2011
as alwas aother great chapter. sad to see it coming up, but looking forward to the end.
Koichama chapter 28 . 12/2/2011
Such a quick update.

I am not sure how RPs work, but I get the sense that something climatic will happen. Poor Fai feels a little doom now that everything had settled for a long time. I do like how you mentioned him slowly getting over it. Also, he wants Kurogane to realize he is trying. That reminds me of the storyline, a little less dramatic and less eye-gauging.

Did I ever mention how glad I am that you choose a realistic way for them to have an heir? He's cute, and when he gets older his parents have to explain about the birds and the bees, and the test tubes that make it possible.

I am now convinced that we indeed need more of Kuroparents, and more of them being grandparents. .

Good luck with the final chapters.
wolf1380 chapter 28 . 12/2/2011
great chapter. as alwas looking for to next time.
wolf1380 chapter 27 . 11/30/2011
love it. one of my favs so far.
Nayli28 chapter 27 . 11/30/2011
So much family fluff! (v) It's super adorable! :D

I think Fai's worries should be in the past now, but I know the poor man has been through a lot, so it's only natural he worries, right? :) They make such a nice family! :D

Awaiting next chapter! :)

Nayli28 chapter 26 . 11/28/2011
Aww! Congratulations on the baby boy Kurogane and Fai! :D

I have a feeling that them returning home will lead to some very hilarious moments! :P

And a lot of teasing. :D

Looking forward to the next chapter! :)

Koichama chapter 26 . 11/28/2011
I just noticed chapter 24 when I received the update notice for the next chapter, and I was excited to read two chapters in a row. I believe this is the longest rp based fic I have stuck with, and that is mostly because it has all the original charm of the characters. I think Kurogane's parents and Mokona really stand out. I love Kurogane and Fai, but I love it more when a fanfic also uses other Clamp characters, like Zima and Dita.

The tournament, I wasn't to fond of, but it was better than I expected. I appreciate the variety, instead of just having Kurogane compete in the Piffle Dragonfly Race (That's Sakura's game). Also, it was very daring to break up the tournament.

Chapter 25, I like. It's not typical baby-fluff. It has some substance. In later chapters, because Fai assimilated so well into Nihon, you forget he is foreign. Him trying to find similarities between himself and his baby just seems natural as a way for him to connect with his past life. Also, it is not shown, but this trip might have been good for Kurogane and Fai's relationship, as Kurogane can now empathize being away from home and adapting to a new culture. Before he cared, but he couldn't relate with Fai. However, their relationship continues to progress.

I am looking forward to homecoming; although, I was sad for Piffle Tomoyo, who really cares for the couple. She did capture them on tape. . The reunion with Hauhau and ChiChi will help at least.
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