Reviews for Dropping a Hint
Purest of the Hearts chapter 1 . 3/26/2014
You see, this is why I love GLaDOS. I'd do exactly what she did to the scientist if they did that to me -_-
Iceagesurvivor123 chapter 1 . 12/19/2011
Reasons why I do not blame her for killing them all.
Tavalya Ra chapter 1 . 10/14/2011
A great look from GLaDOS' perspective. I felt an almost claustrophobic sense of frustration in this- makes one understand why she wanted to flood the Enrichment Center with neurotoxin.
ITSSADITSTRUE chapter 1 . 9/30/2011




Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2011
Oh my God, poor GLaDOS. I'm another one to expect Aperture Scientists treating her like nothing. D:

Great job!
WhatADelightfullyFrightfulGal chapter 1 . 8/24/2011
thiais interesting, and I feel that you're mostly right with the scientists personality and such. :)
Chloe Kompton chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Ffffff D: Poor GLaDOS. That must be so awful for her. Really nice job (although some tense errors popped out at me, if you want them pointed out xD).
Faux Promises chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
Oh, boy. I can't imagine them being anything short of assholes when you consider those personality cores. They must be absolutely maddening. After playing Portal 2 I can't play the first one again without looking at GLaDOS with all those things attached to her and not think she looks like a dog covered in ticks. Or worse, like the things are gang raping her.

Good exploration of something you don't see mentioned a lot. Poor thing, when you consider the mistreatment she probably went through, it's a bit easier to understand why she went crazy.

Best wishes,