Reviews for Strange Apprentice
George1892 chapter 9 . 6/25
I take back what I said about the diadem. Interesting ending.
George1892 chapter 8 . 6/25
Good chapter but again the diadem was missing.
George1892 chapter 2 . 6/25
Out of curiosity, was the diadem left out of the horcrux vacuum on purpose?
agnar chapter 8 . 6/23
this fic turned into utter shit in the last 2 chapters. The first 2 strikes by Harry were good, well planned, well thought out, hard-hitting.

After that, from the Ministry attack forward, you apparently decided Harry was too smart and strong, so you reverted him into a fucking weak-ass idiot, whose super magical invisibility cloak doesn't fucking block ANYONE's sight as Bella saw through it, Voldemort saw through it, Harry might as well have been wearing a plain old regular cloak for all the fucking good it apparently is.

Why even fucking BOTHER to write the first 6 chapters if you're just going to have the Trio all end up weak-ass chumps against a nutjob with a tiny sliver of soul left and his semi-competent, inbred minions? The whole fucking point was to show how incompetent DD and his Order were, but then you had the Trio struggle and stumble about like morons and firsties.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/22
Great story the only parts I didn’t like Was when you killed off characters that survived in Canon like Ginny molly Arthur Neville and the grangers But that’s just my dream preference so it’s still a great story
Matt chapter 7 . 11/18/2019
It's Perenelle Flamel, not Pernell. You could at least look it up if you're not sure how to spell it.
BaddieDZ2 chapter 9 . 11/4/2019
Yeah, it was the end. Too stupid to continue either way.
BaddieDZ2 chapter 3 . 11/4/2019
Get a beta. It's obvious you're too stupid to be allowed to write without one.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 9 . 10/10/2019
A great story here.
clover cat Klee chapter 9 . 8/10/2018
whoa, I mean, that ending... of course there would be always more enemies growing ever stronger, that seeems to be how the superhero world works, but to incorporate voldemort again in a sneak peak was evil! Other than that I really enjoyed that, alsways do love me some Harry Potter Goes His Own Way;)
AkaDeca chapter 9 . 8/3/2018
Beautiful ending! Looking to see if you have a sequel.
AkaDeca chapter 8 . 8/3/2018
Sad about all the loss. Where did Sirius get that idea of the Avengers from? The one in bold? Can you tell me please?
AkaDeca chapter 7 . 8/3/2018
Loved this chapter! Really happy about Thor!
AkaDeca chapter 6 . 8/3/2018
Love how Harry’s using his epic powers! And I love Ron’s humor.
AkaDeca chapter 5 . 8/3/2018
I love this, but I don’t like how Hermione has powers too. But this is great!
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