Reviews for The Witness
Guest chapter 15 . 7/18
You have to finish! Or at least complete a chapter with their reunion. This story is one of the best here. The characters are so well written. Beautiful story, you are very talented.
Rhemi2012 chapter 15 . 5/14
Very interesting. Please update. Following you so I don't miss it. Thanks
SaucySarah chapter 15 . 4/29
I am wishing for an update. This is a great story and the current ending is just... I need more. Please?
loz14 chapter 1 . 5/25/2019
Is it crazy that I'm still desperate to know how this story ends?
Guest chapter 15 . 5/23/2019
Please, please finish this story! It's so good I just have to know how it ends
TotallyMcSwarek chapter 15 . 1/27/2019
Crying in frustration here ;)
This is an amazing story, the angst, oh the angst! I know I'm really late in reading this, but is there ANY chance you'd come back and finish it? My McSwarek heart has been getting ripped to shreds through the story and just before she him, it ends?! Ouch! LOVE LOVE LOVE your writing, would LOVE LOVE LOVE the story to continue and save my little McSwarek heart... :)
Liv chapter 15 . 10/30/2018
I just finished this and it’s one of the best Rookie Blue ones that I’ve found. If you feel inspired please finish it cause you are still drawing new readers in.
Doranwen chapter 15 . 8/16/2018
Oh man... I get THIS far in this amazing story... and it ends JUST before she sees him? *cue scream of frustration* This is really really good - any chance you would ever pick it back up? Wrap it up somehow? Because I'm dying here...
StarsAndDust chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
I'm a late arrive at RB universe but I'm 'ravaging' fast all fics longer than 10 k.
I loved every bit of this story! It's well thought out, the plot, the flashbacks, and the writing style are... exquisite (!?) damn, I'm so exited I'm babbling. Do hope that you nourish your talent and continue writing, outside fanfiction.
Good work!
Makk chapter 15 . 2/21/2018
It’s has been so long since you updated this story, that i don’t know if you will even read this, but it was so good i had to try! (First review ever btw and I’m a fan fiction but!) I just recently found Rookie Blue and totally fell in love and started to read the fanfic. This is by far the best one that I have read! Great writing and great original story; so good and believable. I couldn’t stop reading. I need to see where you were going to take these characters and how you were going to bring Sam and Andy back together. Their separation was killing me! Your story and writing evoked emotions from me and took them on a roller coaster ride. :) I know it has been forever, but I would LOVE it if you wrote one more chapter. Just them finally being together! If not I will just imagine the happily ever after. Thank you for sharing this story!
AClosedDoor chapter 15 . 8/3/2017
Nooooo. There I was, reading, excited wanting to go to the next chapter, only to find out that there is no more.
Have you finished it? Will you ever finish it? I'm really curious as to what will happen!
IMME.ALWAYS chapter 1 . 5/28/2017
So sad you stopped writing this...
Loulou9 chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
Please come back to this story!
CandyHearts22 chapter 15 . 10/5/2016
I know it's been years since an update but I hope inspiration strikes and you come back to finish this incredible story. I have enjoyed reading every word of it and I'm looking forward to reading more! Thanks for sharing your story!
my shangri-la chapter 15 . 10/1/2016
You just murdered me. My ghost is digging a hole in the backyard so I can go fall in it. I can't believe it ended here!
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