Reviews for Wake Up and Dream
ruthiegurly chapter 37 . 1/8
Why is it so dramatic cause she’s pregnant I would just beat the bitch up and by Bitch I mean Edward for not telling her the issues
dazzleglo chapter 57 . 12/22/2019
I loved , loved, loved this story
Guest chapter 15 . 2/15/2018
How did Bella get pregnant? The mystery is killing me...
rebecca's mom chapter 46 . 12/2/2017
The sequel was a joy to read (again). Edward and Bella... and their beautiful children... is truly a happy ever after story that I will always remember with a smile. Thank you xo
Payton79 chapter 58 . 5/10/2017
As you see, it didn't take me long to come back to read the sequel. It took me exactly two other stories in between, lol. Thanks for sharing more of E and B's story with us.
author-self-insert chapter 23 . 6/9/2016
It's interesting that Edward doesn't actually resent his mom and sisters just for being around more. I wonder how controlling Rose really was. And I am surprised Edward made it so long in ballet - I would imagine kids at school making his life awful :(
author-self-insert chapter 22 . 6/9/2016
While packing to move, I came across all of these scraps of fabric and patterns. Alas I think the interest in and skill for making clothes has abandoned me. It seemed a waste to chuck it all so I packed it all up, and now I feel guilty for hoarding. Hence my admitted for Alice's seamstress. I know of course what happens next, and I think it's interesting how you have Edward butting heads with his father over work. The number of hours they make doctors work seems both stupid and dangerous.
author-self-insert chapter 21 . 6/9/2016
I always forget to review - a deplorable habit. I am packing to move right now and I am impressed that Rose knew how many boxes would be for each category when sorting the junk in the future nursery. I am trying to sort as I go and so I have about eight open boxes. I am driving my family crazy. But I think they're never going to finish unpacking because they're just throwing things in willy-nilly and will be too tired to sort everything when we get to the new house, haha. Also I am of course very happy that Alec was fired :)
Hanover78 chapter 46 . 6/1/2016
I adore this Edward and Bella! After reading You Were There, I couldn't wait to read the sequel. Thank you for bringing these characters to life and sharing this story!
debslmac chapter 58 . 9/12/2015
:) loved this story
2old4fanfic chapter 43 . 3/12/2015
hits to review ration always irk me. Lovely realism of the birth and first few weeks with a newborn
2old4fanfic chapter 35 . 3/11/2015
I'm remembering the summer and fall when I was pregnant with my first. I was so hot I would have gladly run around naked. I kept our bedroom so cold my husband suggested the refrigerator was warmer
2old4fanfic chapter 26 . 3/11/2015
I have exes in two categories, those that I could care less if I saw them again and those that I absolutely don't ever want to see again. Thankfully, I have no other ties to any of them
rclaurel chapter 58 . 12/14/2014
Oh maybe Tanya can get her happily ever after
louanne61 chapter 35 . 10/25/2013
Why doesn't Edward just tell her, he did promise to not keep secrets from her.
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