Reviews for Marauder
AMessofPickles chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
Aw this is lovely. :D Very sweet and adorable :)

But I don't think you should continue this. I feel like it's a wonderful PERFECT one-shot that should not be messed with :)

Great great job though. I really liked how you portrayed both Lily and james ;)
XloveXconquersXallX chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
you know i really dont think i should review in light of past events but this story is just too good. AND its james/lily... all the better! i like it.. bunches
g7sassluvlaff7g chapter 1 . 9/1/2011
Awesome story so cute!
brilliant incandescence chapter 1 . 8/31/2011
Aww, that was so awesome. It'd be great if you continued this, but I think it ended on a great note.