Reviews for The Hunter Is Being Hunted
Jezabelle31415 chapter 49 . 10/10/2014
jodiemckay2001 chapter 49 . 1/31/2014
Do a sequel I want to know what shanes punishment was and what happend to ceri
samsquatch44 chapter 24 . 2/3/2013
song i think of when i read chapter 24 with evil myrnin is night of the hunter by 30 seconds to mars. love this story soo far on chapter 25 and can't wait to finish. bit creepy but aesome so much xxx :D
Guest chapter 49 . 10/23/2012
PLEASE DO ANOTHER! what about the honeymoon? Does Claire become a vampire?
LittleLionKid chapter 49 . 9/12/2012
I have read this story so so many times xD I love it xoxo
discotimelord chapter 49 . 3/16/2012
I can't remember if there's any loose ends in your story - I was just way too busy enjoying it and no matter how many times I read it I keep forgetting to look for them once again lol

This would be the best fan fic story that I have ever read - completely and utterly the best. I couldn't even DREAM of writing a story this good.

I hope you find the time to write other stories cause it'd be a shame for this to be the last good Morganville Vampires fan fic.
discotimelord chapter 48 . 3/16/2012
Woohoooooo! :)
discotimelord chapter 37 . 3/16/2012
Wow. This is hot stuff. My monitor nearly melted! :D
discotimelord chapter 31 . 3/15/2012

I love this line from Eve:

"She's a kid! You're ancient!"

*falls to the floor laughing again*
discotimelord chapter 29 . 3/15/2012

I totally love the idea of pairing vampires with humans to fight on this one - that's a really great idea.

You're a really talented writer :)
discotimelord chapter 1 . 3/15/2012

I swear to God that Rachel Caine herself just joined us here to write us all a new story. You've totally nailed her sense of humour as well - not easy.

I really hope you've written other stories cause I'm just dying to check that out.
YouWontFindMe chapter 49 . 3/13/2012
OMG! i thought i had reviewed and i hadnt then i realised why


I like the ending it was sweet and im glad it was a happy ending and very well written and... and beautiful (here i am tearing up again :'( ) but i feel like its the end of a relationship

DONT LEAVE ME I STILL LOVE YOU! (Of course im talking about the story :P)
Enolagay87 chapter 49 . 3/3/2012
I love this story please update soon. Loop
LuPeters chapter 49 . 3/1/2012
:( so simple but yet it still got to me(make an ugly crying face) hahahahahhahaha... I don't want it to be over. Really good story! Perfected song
loulouflowerpower chapter 48 . 2/26/2012
love it, update really soon
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