Reviews for The Game Changes
somebody chapter 4 . 5/7/2017
please continue
amythestblade chapter 4 . 7/22/2016
Oh my GOD this is awful. I mean it's GOOD but it's AWFUL. Please finish!
narutovsitachi6 chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
Poor minion, he is going through denial and anger two of five loss factors.
patient935 chapter 4 . 1/29/2014
Love Minion and Megamind focused stories. They are so close and the idea of minions reaction if something actually happened to him makes a great story. Please update.
Nightblooming Orchid chapter 4 . 1/17/2014
The beginnings of a great story. A mad and vengeful minion is a terrifying idea to consider. A domestic is a scary thing to upset; they will destroy anything that upsets their happy home.
OceansGratitude chapter 4 . 8/3/2013
After I read this last bit, I want to click the 'next chapter' button. But there wasn't one! The horror!

You can't just leave this hanging! YOU GOTTA FINISH IT! Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!
Phenixia Sama chapter 4 . 12/29/2011
I'm still reading you fanfic and want to see what you'll do with it, even if I usualy run away from angst. It's probably because of the strong emotions I still have attached to it.

Funny enough, I noticed that "Leave out all the rest" from Linkin Park was a song that could easily describe the emotion of your fanfic. I like the way Roxanne is searching for the truth and the way Minion changed. Their reactions seem really into characters.
sekhoya990 chapter 4 . 12/20/2011
I'm soooooooo impatient, please update soon, I want to know what happens now
RemmyBlack chapter 4 . 11/19/2011
Aww poor Minion :(

This is rather interesting
Ofunu chapter 4 . 11/12/2011
I HATE angst stories, they always leave me feeling down and depressed. But this one; God! This one is just in another level altogether, I really want to cry, the first chapter almost succeeded in that. The story is great, a concept I hadn't thought of, please keep it u and updater soon.
VenRaider chapter 4 . 10/19/2011
This is becoming really good. The planning and plot is more than simple, it's brilliant.
darkmm13 chapter 3 . 9/23/2011
Mmm, Minion's a BAAD boy now..(:

I'm really liking this story..continue?
angel raziella chapter 3 . 9/23/2011
Oooh, this is pretty good. Dissapointed about the Megamind death but good anyway. Please update soon _
Phenixia Sama chapter 3 . 9/12/2011
Oh? The part about people mourning Megamind and Roxanne wanting to know more about them is really interesting. I wonder what she will find? And I wonder how long it will take to autorities to understand that the targets seem to have a link to Megamind's past?
RemmyBlack chapter 3 . 9/12/2011
Evil Minion is chilling. I like how it was the department of education was the first part of Minion's revenge :3

I also like how Roxanne and Metro Man had conflicting emotions, especially Metro Man because I kind of see him as a person who realised how he was as a kid and wanted to change to a better person. I like how Megamind's death made Metro Man realise how Megamind was just ONLY playing the bad guy and wondered why everyone else thought him to be a true criminal while Metro Man wanted to deal with the robbers and drug dealers more.
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