Reviews for Consonance & Dissonance
Guest chapter 9 . 12/17/2016
Loved this story! ~Jenn
Vitaminsdaily chapter 4 . 11/19/2013
Is there a reason half of this chapter doesn't have quote marks?
pheldiner chapter 3 . 8/10/2013
It was ok. Not the greatest story but it was not horrible
Vitaminsdaily chapter 9 . 4/28/2013
I loved this story, so sweet.
Rae chapter 9 . 3/25/2013
I loved it! Thought it was hilarious and really beautiful, your writing is brilliant! Xxx
Pull-Marine chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
I read your story on my cell phone, that's why I did not review it as soon as I finished the first chapter. Too bad, though, because if I had, you would have known how thrilled I was after reading it. I might have used caps lock.

This was just great.
It's like you put in one fiction everything I love ; first of all, it's a Klaine fanfiction. And your story is delightful because you perfectly understood what a fanfiction character should be : a slight variation of the original one. Your Kurt may be less musical-centered and somehow more confident and daring, but in a way, we still know it's him. And this mix of what the character originally is and what yhe becomes in your story is perfect.
And Blaine...Blaine. You had me at teacher!Blaine. Once again you perfectly know the character and this "I-may-look-dapper-and-stuff-but-I-just-want-to-kiss-you-against-the-wall" attitude is so typically Blaine. You did a wonderful job.

Another thing I liked was the fact that you know how to write meaningful sex. Sometimes an overly developped story kills the sexual tension : on the contrary, you had it growing up throughout the chapter, and the result was...awesome.

I'm rather scared : I desperately want to read the next chapters, but I don't want their couple to be challenged by anything. Oh well, I loved this first chapter enough to forget whatever may happen to them.

See you later, and sorry for the mistakes you may find : english is not my first language ;)
shereen.cantu chapter 1 . 1/3/2013
wow...can i just sa master of raunchy conversation lol...
BlurtItAllOut chapter 9 . 12/9/2012
I've read and reread this story so many times on LiveJournal, and now that I stumbled upon it in here I thought it only fair to add it as an favourite.
ARomanticAtHeart chapter 9 . 11/6/2012
supermom116 chapter 9 . 10/21/2012
will there be a sequel to this story?
Sianii chapter 9 . 10/3/2012
Hey I read ur fic on livejournal and I loved it! I really like how you can connect so much hot sex with such a lovely story! It really helps me with all the reallife angst coming our way! thank you!
lucy641 chapter 9 . 8/25/2012
I'm so so glad I came across this story, and even more glad when I realised it was actually complete. I loved their relationship, the 2 dogs were incredibly cute and there was no angst just happy, romantic klex.
notinuse88 chapter 9 . 6/15/2012
I loved it! With the cheesy ending and everything; n'aww :D Thank you for writing such a beautiful story :')

Yup, I just went cheesy on you too.
KlaineForever99 chapter 9 . 5/10/2012
OMG! This was beautiful! Love this story & this chapter! Just want to make me cry, right? Are you thinking of a sequel (their lives in New York)? Please, pretty please!
KlaineForever99 chapter 8 . 5/10/2012
God, I am so in love with your story & how you portray Klaine! I love the way they are so mature & loving! The only thing I don't love is that it's ending! I could read about them forever! I would definitely read about them & their lives in New York, if you're interested!

Love the smut! So hot!

Thank you for this chapter!
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