Reviews for She will be a Weasley
Guest chapter 14 . 9/6/2017
I like the story. But it is a bit hard to read with the switching tenses.
One other thing that disturbed me, was that the Three Broomsticks were located in London, while you placed the Leaky Cauldron in Hogsmeade, but it is normally the other way round
Sabrinahfm chapter 15 . 4/11/2016
Alright. So I liked it, really but please please pretty please just stick to a tense. You kept on switching between past and present, just choose one and stick to it!
Miss-Margaux-Malfoy chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
I really like this story:) :)
Sunshine72 chapter 15 . 4/21/2014
I liked it. Thanks.
Guest chapter 15 . 4/17/2014
very cute :D
SeverusSnape'sLove chapter 15 . 8/25/2013
Really enjoyed your story. :)
xXBelieverXx chapter 15 . 4/4/2013
Drace was really funny :) I really liked this.
BREAHTHATWALKS chapter 15 . 1/24/2013
BreathThatWalks chapter 14 . 1/24/2013
if u dont put one in I. Will. Kill. Ypu.
LoonyLunaLuv chapter 15 . 11/25/2012
if only there was a "supermegafoxyawesomehotlikeb utton" on this
Guest chapter 15 . 8/17/2012
I really like this but I don't think it needs to be M there isn't anything really bad in it it could be a K ot T. Anyways really good story :)
Suzanne333 chapter 3 . 8/14/2012
love (:
Panda818 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
I liked your story, VERY nice:) (I read all of it and then backed and remembered I forgot to review haha) It was cute and just what I needed:) Keep up the great work!
93 Diagon Alley chapter 15 . 7/5/2012
I have no idea how I hadn't reviewed this yet, because I know I've read it (or, at least, most of it) before, but anyway, better late than never.

This story was so excellent! The only issue I had with it was that you could have used a beta-reader; there were a lot of instances where you used the wrong word (or form of a word) that would have easily been caught had you had someone to proofread for you (such as writing on instead of in, etc). Other than that, though (which was pretty minor in the long run!), you did a great job! I really enjoyed this story :)

(And if it helps, I deliberately read this story after seeing your comment on tumblr about wanting feedback) :)
Guest chapter 15 . 6/28/2012
The characters' personalities were.. Not what I expected, same with their style of speech. Some grammar mistakes, but I felt like overall, the fic got better as the chapters progressed, so that's good!

I really liked the premise though, "She will be a Weasley" haha and I liked the little surprise about her and Draco, how cute. I also was glad she and him got the closure they needed. That was nice.

"It only took five steps to close the distance between them, two seconds to grasp her waist, and a second to kiss her lips." I liked that bit a lot, that was adorable.

"Mrs. Weasley was right. Hermione was meant to be a Weasley after all." I felt like that wrapped up everything so very nicely :)
Overall I thought it was a fun fluffy humorous fic to read.
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