Reviews for Phosphenes
Guest chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
These are really insightful character studies!
Avatar.NIX chapter 1 . 11/7/2015
The Pokedex-holders sure are unique! It makes them easy to distinguish, luckily. Also, I laughed when it said that Red was exempt from normality. XD
Homomatic chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
God I loved this... Everyone was so in character, and you singlehandedly reminded me why I love every single one of them! But I want a sequel! Ruby's perspective is the most unique of the dexholders and I would love to read his opinions on the unovan and Kalosian dexholders, Red, and Rald. Especially Rald, since they spent less time together than the other regional trios. I understand that a sequel will probably have to wait until the b2w2 and xy chapters are done though.
Raichu chapter 1 . 3/31/2013
I enjoyed this immensely. I didn't get the relevance of the title though, and I'm not exactly sure which way you intend the punchline.

"Logic stopped being applicable to him a very long time ago" - LOL!

"Do all girls know how to talk with their mouths closed?' - cracked me up! too true!

"She's too wily and intelligent to ever land up behind bars" - definitely
"She makes it sound like she's moved on to more advanced methods of crime" - didn't expect that one! this story is very entertaining

"or some other Neanderthal past time" - nice choice of phrase

"Now that's friendship. Or a train wreck waiting to happen. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference." - brilliant!
diehard117 chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
nice job!
phionexxx chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
LOL. this was actually really insightful. I loved green's evaluation! HE IS SO FLIPPING COOL. AS COOL AS A CUBCHOO WHO JUDT GOT HIT BY AN ICE BEAM! xD ... I'm a hardcore green oak fan if you didn't already know. I also loved the description of the DPPT gang. It just described it perfectly at the end xD
Lord Pikachu chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
Funny, insightful, and Ruby was completely in-character; five stars hands down in my opinion. I applaud you for your awesome one-shot!
diabeticgirl4 chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
aaaaaah this is so perfect! I love all the interactions and quirks between all of the Dex Holders!
Sanzano chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
Em' was missing D: Aside from that, it was great.

I love your writing style. And, of course, Ruby's style, they are fabulous.

I wish I could write down all the things I liked of this, but my writing skills on English are so limited. So sad.

Anyway I'm just happy I found this n.n
wolfeclipse25 chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Great job! I liked the evaluation of Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum the best!
ChillinLikeaVillain chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
I laughed and face palmed at the part -

"The trio are nothing like him and Sapphire – their bond is strong and comfortable and there's no air of tension between them even though it's pretty obvious both Pearl and Diamond have the hots for Platinum.

Now that's friendship.

Or a train wreck waiting to happen. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference."

Great story xD
fading ink chapter 1 . 5/7/2012
Oooh, I love what you did with Ruby there! He comes off so- so convinced that everyone around him is, uh, marginally insane, without ever realizing he's quite, um, quirky himself (I love how he sneakily takes a photo of Green being Green, aka the coolest person ever - barring a few exceptions). I love how he empathized with Silver - they're the guys who aren't really "born" to be heroes... more like the guys who say "But-I was just *standing* there!" and the next thing you know, they're the Everyman kicking ass and saving the day! :D And the way Sapphire walked in on those two? The shattered champagne glasses? Hilarious. Sapphire herself was beautifully presented. Always there, peripherally, but never quite managing to fade into the background (I have a feeling she's the sanest Dex holder of them all). The ending was perfect~!
The Matter's Settled chapter 1 . 5/4/2012
Awesome job on this story. You are a great writer.

"Ruby, you are a wonderful boy, why do you torment yourself so much?"

That is probably my favorite line of the whole story. That line is my new favorite rhetorical question : )
XD chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
haha that was a great fic! It rly did capture each heroes personality haha:) and yeeeessss ruby is sho cute haha ,
ineedanewhandle chapter 1 . 4/10/2012
This was great. It had a real sense of momentum and character and a cohesive world; I love Ruby's narrative voice here. It's fun and light-hearted and almost refreshing in a way. My bias for Ruby doesn't change things much *cough*

Above all else, I admire your structural ability and sense of flow.
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