Reviews for Memories of Summer
bright places chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
This felt so raw and real. I can feel the hopeless Dom went through and while I'm happy, really happy about Scorpius and Rose, there's this hollowness steeping into me and I feel like I have an old wounds has teared open again. it was pretty awesome, really. thanks
Remembertoturnonthelights chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
I really liked that :D I'm such a Scorose shipper, but I do love Dom, and somehow I always give her sad endings too :') I loved all these pairings, they were adorable! I hope that Dom will find love one day though :)
HeadOverHeelsInHate chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Awww! That was amazing! Totally uber epic! It was really cute. Dominique wasn't all that likable which served to make the story even more awesome! Love it! Eek!
Sunneshine123 chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
I don't even know how I managed to stumble upon this gem of a story but it really is amazing. I like the bittersweet nature of the story and also the ending. Even though it's not tremendously happy for Dominique (Yet!), and I'm a sucker for happy endings, I still like this fic. Overall: An awesome job and I'll be looking out for more of your stories! :))
offintomickky chapter 1 . 12/23/2011
This was... oddly beautiful, for a lack of a better term. Or perhaps bittersweet. I don't really like the Scorose pairing (mostly because I'm more for Scorpinique), but this was just... wow.
Cassia4u chapter 1 . 12/7/2011
wow, super great love it! keep writing! :D
keep my issues drawn chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
I loved this! A beautiful piece, I felt sorry for Dom, even though I'm a devout ScorRose shipper! :) I'll read more of your stories in the morning but it's 00:25, and I should really stop reading fanfiction and go to sleep!

I loved your writing style :)
lowi chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
This was brilliant, Jane. Your writing is perfect, and I adored the plot in this. You gave Dominique a rather unpleasant personality, which I for some unknown reason liked. a lot. ;)

And, another little thing I absolutely fell in love with was Lysander and Lucy, in this. X3 Lucy was so carefree and cool, and Lysander simply gorgeous. &hearts

Oh, and you've created some beautiful OCs in this! :D

Great work, really. :)
angels weep before they fly chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
It was beautiful. I feel so so sorry for Dom. Even though I think Louis is younger than her, it still works for this story. Love It!

Galbert-Kun chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
Disgusting? Not ever in the slightest! So well constructed, I felt nothing was out of place in your story. Poor Dominique, watching the people she associates with fall in love with each other whilst she stays single. Not to worry, she'll find someone
currents chapter 1 . 9/16/2011

keep being rocking okay, Janey?

He's sitting in the sunshine, wearing hot pink sunnies that he filched from Cassie, and she doesn't think she's ever seen anyone who could ever look better with her (except maybe Teddy and Lysander, but she prefers not to think about them)




felines chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
This is wonderful, Jane! I loved how you portrayed Dominique as an immature drama queen who's naive and doesn't know what love is, and I loved your Lily in this one. And, of course, I loved the Scorrose.

In your canon, is Louis older than Dominique?

Good job!
thelilacfield chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Okay, that took me a stupidly long time to read. Distracting randomness, distracting writing, distracting dog...


I absolutely adored this, Janey! It was so beautifully written and I identify with Dominique being more in love with the idea of being in love than any of the guys. I love the section where James is taking pictures, you wrote it so beautifully.

Amazing job, babe.
burnouts chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
"But she never forgets the pain of her first heartbreak, no matter how hard she tries."

That. I just, I love it. The whole story was absolutly breath-takingly beautiful.

I loved how Dominique was more in love with the idea of love, than any of the guys. I liked how you made her character out, too. She was really relatable and actually reminded myself of me when I was thirteen.

It's heartbreaking, and just so amazing.

I loved it, Janey.x3 Wonderful job.
headcanon chapter 1 . 9/8/2011
/is DomScor, and is heartbroken ;)


I also love how you followed other characters, not just Dominique and Scorpius, I always think that's really great. I also really love how you wrote Dom - I don't even know, it was just really well-written. :)

Great job!
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