Reviews for I'm Here
CertifiedGeek chapter 1 . 5/18/2016
very touching. thank you
daily-chan chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
Good story, even if Donna doesn't know what exactly upsets him, she wouldn't force him to talk about it but would want to comfort him anyway. Love the part about the Tardis acting too. Good work
Oracle Phoenix chapter 1 . 12/24/2012
Molto bene! LOL I loved this episode because I felt like it brought out a lot of the inner turmoil that the Doctor deals with on a regular basis but I was surprised to find, in fanfic, that most attempts to grasp it end up out of character. You have managed to capture it brilliantly. The Doctor isn't a frightened child. He isn't insecure and looking to humans to reinforce his own self worth. He is strong and proud but incredibly burdened by his long, sad life. He looks to humans because he's lonely and wants someone to care for but they let him down so spectacularly at times. Midnight was one of those times. Your writing style is fantastic and I love the way you used the TARDIS to draw her in. I only wish it had been longer!
Whirlwind421 chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
Aw...that's was great. Very sweet.
Anonymous basically chapter 1 . 5/17/2012
Midnight has always been one of my favorite episodes, and I've always wished that someone could comfort the Doctor, that he hadn't been alone. I also have a personal connection to this episode that makes me almost cry every time.

I really enjoyed this. :)

And I don't think any more needs saying, does it?
Serenity's Lady chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
What a lovely, sad, touching story. I have always believed that there was more deep feeling between Ten and Donna than either of them would recognize or admit.
jaws chapter 1 . 9/20/2011
Sometimes I think the Doctor could really use a little more Hurt/Comfort. Thanks for that!
Celtic Knot chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Wow. Just... wow. That was very moving.

"The saddest song in the history of sad songs, and he carried it with him, as well as the screams of his race. He held time in his hands, cradling it like a child, loving it despite its flaws and imperfections." LOVE that description of The Doctor-absolute perfection!
SPaCeR8008 chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
That was great! Awesome job!
nipponophile chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
Ah, that was just beautiful! Lovely effort for your first Who fic. Lovely warmth between the Doctor and Donna, really shows the depth and specialness of their relationship.
Cat Shepherd chapter 1 . 9/9/2011
I liked it so much! Did I wrote 'liked'?... LOVED IT! And cried 'cause The Doctor is... well I'm very attached to Tenth and maybe that's what hurt me when I read your fic. I'm just typing simple words, you left me speechless! And this is sooo nonsense, better stop here :P

Now in my favorites and sorry for any mistake, english isn't my first language :S

Kisses&Hugs! :)