Reviews for Live, Life, Love Accidentally
HartleySkarsgard chapter 30 . 6/8/2018
This is such a great story. Shame it's not finished but still a great read nonetheless :)
MsNorthman chapter 28 . 1/23/2018
I just love your stories!
AZSeaOtter chapter 30 . 2/18/2017
I loved it! I know you said it's not complete but where it ended was perfect. That being said I would love to read more. The would love some Pam and Dermot action. And, I'd love to see Bill get his ass handed to him. Still as it is, it was such a great story. The characters were strong with wonderfully supportive families. Eric developed into a wonderful father and loving husband. Sookie got the husband and family she always dreamed of having. Lots of fun to read, the banter within the mutual families was very entertaining. Thank you so much for sharing!
AZSeaOtter chapter 29 . 2/18/2017
So much fun! I love their chemistry and their families.
AZSeaOtter chapter 28 . 2/18/2017
I loved the part where Eric thought, "our daughter." That was sublime...Sookie going off on Mary Anne was priceless.
AZSeaOtter chapter 27 . 2/18/2017
I understand why Eric didn't want to use his relationship with Sookie to improve his chances in court, but Pam was right in involving her. They need a united front to protect Lilly. I'm glad things worked out! Sergio made an excellent suggestion too. :D
AZSeaOtter chapter 26 . 2/18/2017
Very smart thinking on Sookie's behalf. Eric's right, those people are scum, pure and simple.
AZSeaOtter chapter 25 . 2/18/2017
Eric's going to take Bill down the only way he can, legally, he's going to sue him (I hope).
AZSeaOtter chapter 24 . 2/18/2017
I'm glad they shared their pasts, it will only make them stronger.
AZSeaOtter chapter 23 . 2/18/2017
Excuse me, does anyone have a cigarette? I don't smoke but I find I'm in the need of one. :D
AZSeaOtter chapter 22 . 2/18/2017
That was quite the story. It's amazing, but the saying, "What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger." completely works for the Northman clan. I wonder if he'll ever tell Sookie about his past?
AZSeaOtter chapter 21 . 2/18/2017
Completely heart-wrenching. No child should go through that, yet so many do. Pam was right to shoot the ass. I hate that money can by the silence needed to protect such demented people as Appius.
AZSeaOtter chapter 20 . 2/18/2017
Awww, it's too perfect, I'm so happy for them!
AZSeaOtter chapter 19 . 2/18/2017
Maahaahaahaa, that's awesome (nothing like a collision to get your day doing). Eric in the bedroom already had me in hysterics.
AZSeaOtter chapter 18 . 2/18/2017
I don't know how I feel about her leaving. I understand and respect her reasoning, but I feel like she is only distancing herself to protect her feelings. I think she "feels" that she is in love with Eric but that he can't possibly feel the same way about her. So she is providing him an "out" to be with his family without her. She's protecting herself, but she's also not considering his feelings. She should hear him out.
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