Reviews for A Little Thing Called Love
kit-lelouch ai chapter 30 . 9/25/2019
Wow I love how you did this story. Words really can’t express how much this story is wonderful. So I’ll just have to leave it as that and save this story on my favorites.
unknown chapter 30 . 8/27/2016
While i love the others; i must say that i am far too much of a sucker for shizaya! -
ChemicallyEnhanced chapter 13 . 6/27/2016
i haven't reviewed on a lot of the fics i've read thus far, but i just have to say that i really really really really love all the references to izaya and shizuo even though it isn't even their story yet. next to them, i think my favorite couple so far is delic and hibiya. (i love me some angsty angst)
11SnowLeopard11 chapter 21 . 5/20/2016
...Welp, I want to kill Namie now. Like, hang drawn and quarter her, kill.
...Is it even possible to emasculate her?
Nonetheless, it's what she deserves for ruining my precious Shizaya! D:

On a side note, the Tsuki/Roppi was by far my favourite.
inlovewithshizaya chapter 30 . 10/1/2015
Oh, gosh! I love those stories. The story of Delic & Hibiya was my absolute favorite. It made my heart go all squeeze and doki doki and aww. Oh and thanks to you a new band joined my list of favourites. I knew and liked Skillet before but I never came across Poets of the Fall. They are great. Thank you
Nesrine Tamano chapter 30 . 9/5/2015
Author-san, can you make a sequel for this?!
Brassica chapter 30 . 4/10/2015
I loved the story of Delic Hibiya. It made my heart hurts like hell. Best stories ever, all of them were pure magnificence. THANK YOU!
random girl chapter 18 . 3/8/2015
Feed me more jealously shizuo! More! I Swear i have no idea why i want shizuo chan to be jealous ! It's just ...cute! I can see that he loves izaya when he is jealous, it's Crystal clear! Can't wait for next chap!
random girl chapter 17 . 3/8/2015
I am crying pool of tears! Izaya kun i am so sorry for u! Vivux you bydhvhc(crying) but this was an amazing chapter!
random girl chapter 14 . 3/8/2015
Omg! I was waiting for this! Even tho the other stories was amazing, i am a shizaya an for life!udofienidneicheosnwocjehwow (Fangirling)audience neudhwiw bb du!
random girl chapter 11 . 3/7/2015
Omg! Erika and walker are here! Ahhhhasgxucj uahagb cuff jjxisnsurbisbdicjeidh (Fangirling)
random girl chapter 9 . 3/7/2015
Amazing! But I'm not surr about dotachin in the ending... i felt bad for him. But i hope he found love with that announcer! The ending was so perfect that i cried my eyes out! can't wait for the next chap and pairing!
random girl chapter 7 . 3/7/2015
O...M...G! THIS WAS THE BEST CHAP EVER! P.S idk why but i loved the cliffhanger you left! Why hibiya r u going to die?! And delic u $$ look wat u did! But it was cute how he got mad. In the back my head i first wanted hibiya to be together with dotachan
but i knew deep in my heart that hibiya and delic were going to be together! Omg can't wait for the next chap!
random girl chapter 6 . 3/7/2015
Omg! Great fanfic! (Fangirling) but i totally hate it when delic acts like an $$ in front of your writing wasn't bad or anything! It was so amazing! I loved the part when delic gets jealous and hibiya not knowing! This is so cute! Anyway can't wait for the next chap
random girl chapter 5 . 3/7/2015
Ummm... so...this is a delic and hibiya fic...I'm so sorry! It's just that i hoped that it would be a shizuo and izaya fic! I mean like it would have fitted perfectly since they do hate each other and would only have sex to please themselves,but it was an amazing fanfic! I wonder if the person hibiya ran into was psyche being rejected by delic? I really hoped it was, since i ship psyche and tusgaru! (Sorry psyche!) Anyway great fic!
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