Reviews for No Words, No Tears
Paula chapter 1 . 9/15/2018
Great story, brought a year or two.
BlueWinterRoses chapter 1 . 7/16/2015
Really well-written. I love these two, and I'm so glad to have found a fic depicting their relationship after the events of The Killing Joke. At this point, Barbara is so physically and emotionally damaged, and you did a great job of illustrating just how sad it is for someone who was so strong and capable of taking care of herself having to go through all of this. And you did that in just a few short sentences. You know, Alan Moore never touched upon what Dick's reaction was to what happened to Barbara, and I don't know if there are any comics that do; if there are I haven't read them, but you did that very well here. I can see him not wanting to look at the pictures of Barbara in her darkest moment, but at the same time feeling like he must and forcing himself to do it anyway. It seems like a character trait of Dick's, where he constantly feels like it's his responsibility to protect Barbara, and his reaction to seeing her bruised and broken feels legit. The Killing Joke is an issue that will forever haunt the Batman universe, and you've certaintly depicted it quite well here. My only critique, and it is a small one, is that Alan Moore himself stated that Barbara was never raped by the Joker. However, you could still make the argument that she was still sexually violated, but just not in that way. The only reason I bring this up is because the Joker never struck me as someone to succumb to perverse sexual pleasure. Perhaps he would enjoy it on some sadistic level, but even with his relationship with Harley (and if the animated series is anything to go by, they are indeed in a sexual realtionship) he doesn't really appear to enjoy it that much. Either way, it's your story, and your decision for Barbara to actually be raped only adds another layer of darkness to the story.
BatShitCrazy21 chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
This was really well written and done well. Besides he should have sucked it up and be there for her as she wanted him to be. But I still like it. Although I didn't like the bit about her actually being raped. That was a bit much. I always felt that giving the joker any kind of sexuality, besides his weird romance with Harley is making him too human. Idk I didn't felt like it needed it. After all he went after to her to only make her father go crazy, he didn't do it out of some sexual want.

But good, sad story none the less (I want to give you a smiley face for good work... but this story is too sad for one sorry :( haha)
katsy1988 chapter 1 . 4/24/2014
This was so beautifully written. I loved it. The Killing Joke just pissed me off so much. It was senseless for them to destroy such a strong character for a ridiculous plot point. They weren't even going to let her live... they planned on killing her off. It breaks my heart.
guest chapter 1 . 3/1/2013
I think it's stupid how he made it all about him. Barbara was the one that suffered, he should be taking care of her not wallowing in his own stupid self pity. She'd eventually resent him for being so selfish and self involved. This was really good but i wish you'd have shown more of the pain Barbara herself was going through. I seriously love her, she is an awesome character with a tough life and past. In my list, she is second to Wonder Woman. :)
guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2013
I cried a little. This was wonderfully written. I absolutely love this pairing.
Lily1986 chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
TEARS! TEARS! I need a moment.
Arshimara chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
Great story! I was surprised it didn't get any reviews. It's a great view of The Killing Joke aftermath. You depicted so well the guilt in Dick, something we didn't get to see in the original comicbook. No words, no tears - not for something so huge in both their lives. Again, great great story! And so well written.