Reviews for Fine Again
AcaciaDawn chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
Wow, this is so great chapter 1 . 11/7/2012
It was 8 months ago I finished reading this story. Today I was sat in my A-level class and I had a sudden yearning to read it again. This is one of my favorite stories, you really are a great writer x
poppysting chapter 28 . 4/22/2012
Beautifully written! My heart is breaking for Shannon I really feel her pain and for you Ruby as I know it cant be easy to write about this! I do hope that you will you still write about Mitchell! I love the way you write and this is a wonderful sequel to sugar and cyanide I had to read the story from start to finish in two sessions but have only just read the epilogue and have to say it is a perfect and fitting tribute to mitchell and also sums up the heartbreak many of us felt deeply at the end of series three! Thank you thankyou for your marvelous fanfic and please please write more!
SunnyFla chapter 28 . 4/11/2012
Read this some time ago, and had to leave it, to come back to it.

Brought tear to my eye.

Lovely, lovely wrap up of an incredible journey. You took us through Mitchell's struggles, joys, horrors and finally redemption, and gave us a side of him that we didn't know existed. Lovely.

Do love your Jude Cutler. He's a wonderful character, and I'm so glad we were able to see Mitchell through his eyes. he and Shannon remained friends. And that Shannon seems to be finding her way in this new world in which she now lives.

Really wonderful ruby. Thanks for writing this. xx
notpractical chapter 28 . 4/2/2012
I can't say much more than *sniff* really. Beautifully written as always. It has been a great story to follow over these months. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Eve x
fleemneek chapter 28 . 3/31/2012
Perfectly pitched, bittersweet ending to a doozy of a story! I was so glad to learn that Shannon had taken Cutler's lessons to heart, and that Mitchell thought of her during his missing weeks, and got just a little bit of care and grace from her before he died.

Very clever how you worked S4 right into the conclusion! I'm sorry this is finished; it's been so much fun to read. Thank you. xx
Araminta Lupin chapter 28 . 3/31/2012
A really brilliant ending to such a 'Fine' story! Poor Mitchell, it seems as though he just wanted to say goodbye to Shannon first, knowing what was about to happen *sob*.
MancVamp chapter 28 . 3/31/2012
Oh Ruby!




I didn't see any of that coming right up until the end - Michell's missing days...wonderful how you wove it into the story.

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading this story from beginning to end. Bravo! Sending cyber-roses and a huge thank you to you for this wonderful story. x
WhiteHare chapter 28 . 3/30/2012
Good wrap up! If you don't go back to Mitchell, this was a fitting swan song. Looking forward to what your imagination can dream up to torture Hal with. :)
Saemay chapter 28 . 3/28/2012
Quite the happy surprise to see this story line pulled into the present - excellent work! I didn't see how the connection would happen but this felt seamless. It has been a wonderful read these past months and I'm super sad we're at the end.
Tiser chapter 28 . 3/27/2012
As usual,really wonderful writing from you! Loved the way you wove everything together with the canon, and made way for another character's entrance.

Here's hoping that John Mitchell comes back from his 'travels' to star in more of your stories! You get inside his head wonderfully well.

Must go back and read 'Sugar and Cyanide' now. I cheated and started with the sequel.
Saemay chapter 27 . 3/24/2012
So delightfully good! So deliciously angsty! I've been away for a bit but was so thrilled to be able to immerse back into your world (and version of Cutler) and get caught up. Was such a treat to read several chapters in a row. Thank you for continuing the story and I will be looking forward to the epilogue!
MancVamp chapter 27 . 3/24/2012
Wow! What an amazing chapter. Can't believe it! Each and every scene was brilliantly constructed and played out - just like watching a film. And sooo sad at the end.

I can't wait to read the Epilogue...

Thank you Ruby!
Evie27 chapter 27 . 3/21/2012
Oh my. What a great chapter. You handled Mitchell's dilemma and layered motives really cleverly. Not sure whether to give him a hug or slap him around the head, both maybe. You know what, I think Shannon and Cutler really will be OK. Wouldn't blame Cutler for extracting a bit of a reprisal on EW in the future though...
Araminta Lupin chapter 27 . 3/18/2012
Wow! That was an amazing chapter. Really heart-breaking at the end and the description of Shannon and Mitchell saying goodbye to each other made me want to hug him and shake him in equal measure!
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