Reviews for Torture
NightWin chapter 13 . 8/30
Wonderful story and I loved Slade's internal struggle in the final part. Looking forward to read what happens next.
Guest chapter 13 . 8/9
Ohh it’s getting real!
Antera chapter 13 . 8/8
I love it! I cant wait to see what happens next. You have kept me riveted the whole time so hatsboff to you, keep up the great work
Avocados At Law chapter 1 . 8/4
This is really fucking weird. Not the fic, the fic is lovely. Just the fact I remember reading this when there were only three chapters, I had written it off as a dead fic and imagine my surprise that years later it’s been revamped.

Like, I’m pretty sure my screeches of joy woke up my roomate. This was one of my favorite fics when there was only three chapters, and I’m so excited to read the rest. I admire the dedication
OnlyChalantness chapter 13 . 7/30
I cannot wait to read the next chapter !
Asilla chapter 13 . 7/5
Damn, you're diabolical. Thanks for the chapter!
Halfangeltje chapter 13 . 7/3
It starting to get intense, in a positive way! Dickie just promised to Slade to stay forever with him smirk. I hope they will end together because they have been through so much!
Keep up the good work and can't wait till the next chapter.
L0ver chapter 12 . 6/22
Amazing! Also, are you planning to update your other stories?
Guest chapter 12 . 6/21
Robin flipping out and being dissociative is scary, so good job. I'm just like Slade wondering what the heck happened between Robin and this Erik who we even haven't met in actual person but already feels like some one you just don't trifle with.
Asilla chapter 12 . 6/19
Daaamn! Great as always. Looking forward to more.
Mihasel chapter 11 . 6/18
I just found out this amazing fic!
Wow *-* it's really well done and interesting.
Can't wait to read more
Guest chapter 11 . 6/15
A nice balance in this chapter. And the plot thickens now with this hooded man. Oh this is very intriguing. Another great chapter!
Guest chapter 11 . 6/14
Thank you so for updating!
I can’t wait to find out more about what the hooded man did to Robin!
Halfangeltje chapter 11 . 6/14
How are you so good at writing this, I couldn't take my eyes off the chapters. I feel all the emotions Robin going through and Slade as well. Now that Slade is the comfort zone and his safety blanket when he goes in panicking mode, you go Slade! The slow process of building up Robin's strength and mind is agonizing but also very real. You cannot overcome a trauma in just a day, impossible.

Robin's real extractor is coming to the light, I'm wondering what's going to happen.
Asilla chapter 11 . 6/10
Sooo good! Thanks for the quick update! I'm interested to learn more about this hooded guy. Thanks for the chapter!
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