Reviews for Alive
jhplug chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Wow! Even though it's short it's one of the best one shots I've read! Love that I can feel the emotion and the attraction with them coming off of the page. I hope you write more Demily stories. They are definitely my favorite CM pairing. I see her with him way more than with Hotch or any of the other CM men. As much as I love the team dynamic the way it is, especially after season 6 and episode 7x1 this pairing actually seems plausible on the show.
Graveygraves chapter 1 . 1/24/2012
Only just found this but think it is a great addition to the first episode.
J chapter 1 . 10/25/2011
Hey, awesome first attempt! I like how the character seems free and how easily they intergrate into the story. Love the overall story too, maybe a lil longer but that's just me! Keep on witing!
yen35 chapter 1 . 10/22/2011
Hello, I have always liked Criminal Minds but season 6 just blew me away and I realized how much I really liked Emily Prentiss. I probably won't have watched the show again if she didn't return. JJ leaving was bad enough. The episode 'Lauren' in season 6 was so great, it was the first Criminal Minds episode I rewatched. The only reason I didn't cry at the end of it was because I only watched it last week and by that time, I knew that she comes back in the new the actress leave because of contract issues and the network decide to get her back because the fans protested? I live in Asia so I watch the show on dvd and I don't very much of what goes on behind the scenes.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this fic. It was only in season 6 that I realized what a good couple Emily and Derek make even though its unlikely that they'll get together as a couple. I will read 'Bound' later today. I have a class now.

Oh and I am a huge Caskett fan. Probably, its the only show besides NCIS that I have rewatched episodes multiple times and read fics on so I look forward to reading your fics on that and yes, there are some awesome writers out there.

By the way, this was the first Criminal Minds fic I read.
azab chapter 1 . 10/1/2011
wow loved it great job
TKMenz chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
The way Morgan looked at Prentiss when she walked in the door was heartbreaking like someone already said. I love the way you wrote this story. Those two are so much more than friends. There is this love between them and I hope they will have a scene where they can discuss their feelings. I really felt Morgan didn't get a chance to do that. Anyway- great chapter...update soon! Can't wait to keep reading!
Abva chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
Great story, I really like it! :)
freaak tonight chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
love love LOVE!

the premier was awesome. derek's face when she walked through that door was heart breaking. i really wanted a scene of just the two of them letting all their emotions flow freely. ahh well, this story made me so very happy. i now expect some more demily from you now ;)
Alwaysgurl2013 chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Omg! I loved it! So sweet and fun to read :)
radioactive460 chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Excellent first story! I'm so glad we have a talented new M/P writer; I hope we see more from you soon!
Moniqueaw chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
You should continue. I'd love to know what there talking about over chinese :)
Come2MyRescue chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Oh my lord! That was amazing! One of the best fics I've read. Totally gonna favorite this. Any thoughts about a sequel?
heartrevolution chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
Now that's what should have happened! We still have time so I really hope it does happen. It was just pure awesomeness!

Very well done! And I'm so glad your first CM fic is a Prentiss\Morgan fic! Please keep writing (more chapters or a whole new fic, just write more Prentiss\Morgan!) because I know it's only going to get better! )

Thank you so much for sharing, I really enjoyed it!
Nancy chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
I enjoyed the story a lot. You did a wonderful job.

Thank you for sharing. Great writing, great story, it's just great.

More please.
Nix1978 chapter 1 . 9/22/2011
I liked this... Wish it walpole go like this... But we can settle for fan fiction.

Good work.. Please do more