Reviews for Twice Upon a Time
Mrshobiejoe chapter 7 . 6/24
I laughed out loud so many times reading this story. Unsteph also makes me realise that the real Steph is really going to need at least a couple of margaritas to say anything emotional to Ranger.
Babefan2019 chapter 7 . 4/6
Thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing your gift.
misty23y chapter 7 . 1/14
This was such a fabulous story that I had to read it straight through. You capture the emotional upheaval of both characters perfectly. There were moments when I was on verge of tears, then laughing. I loved the way you had them talk through their feelings at the end, really understanding each other. I see a bright future for this Stephanie and Ranger. Wonderful story. Thank you for writing it, and I hope you write more someday.
misty23y chapter 6 . 1/14
Oh goodness! Steph finally remembers and only remembers the bad. Please, please, please remember all the good, too. Get over your heartbreak, listen to everything Ranger told you in the last day. Remember that, he didn't lie to you. Come on, Steph! At least she remembered the bad Joe too. Poor Steph. Poor Ranger.
misty23y chapter 5 . 1/14
Tears, please don't fall. I know this is necessary for Stephanie, but it must be so disheartening to realize that the man you are falling for is in love with a ghost, and that ghost is the former you. Not being able to understand who you are, and knowing that there are elements that are missing is heartbreaking. Ranger wants HIS Stephanie back, and isn't ready to give up in her. But, if Steph never regains her memories, he may never get his woman. I'm trying not to cry, but it's getting harder and harder to hold back the tears.
misty23y chapter 4 . 1/14
This sassy Stephanie is fun, the one who stands up for herself, who doesn't allow herself to be bullied. Hopefully, if she regains her memory, this strong side of her stays. She shouldn't bow down to everyone. Poor Ranger, he is so confused, doesn't know what to do, how to act, what is right or wrong. He's trying to be the gentleman, trying to do the right thing, but no one knows what that is.
misty23y chapter 3 . 1/14
Trying to hold back the tears while reading this story. The emotional upheaval that both characters feel, the disappointment Ranger feels at Steph not remembering him, even though she feels that same, and kisses the same. The disappointment Steph feels at no being able to remember Ranger, who clearly meant a lot to her. I love how the people in her life are trying to push her in the right direction towards the man who loves her unconditionally, but I don't see them getting together if she can't remember what it was the drew them to each other initially. I know that Ranger will always wonder is she is only with him because of her accident, and she wondering if she ever really loved him. Incredibly sad.
misty23y chapter 2 . 1/14
So incredibily sad. To be in Ranger's head, hearing all of his regrets, knowing that the woman he loved was in his apartment, but she wasn't HIS woman. Stephanie, knowing deep down that there was a connection to Ranger, knowing that she felt safe with him, but is so unsure. I can't imagine what it feels like to be a stranger in your own body. Wonderfully written emotional chapter.
misty23y chapter 1 . 1/13
I just discovered this story and so far, I love the premise. I am looking forward to seeing how you weave your story of Steph and Ranger. I'm fully intrigued.
krisseke chapter 7 . 8/5/2019
Read this whole thing in one go, because I just couldn't put it away. I love it.
Lydlovesbooks chapter 7 . 6/11/2019
Excellent use of the Amnesia trope. Really interesting and unique.
Bonnie chapter 7 . 5/30/2019
Such a sweet ending.
Such a sad, funny, loving story.
Bonnie chapter 6 . 5/30/2019
She got her memory back big time and let both men have it with both barrels! I loved that you picked this instance to have her get her memory back. it was so good!
Bonnie chapter 5 . 5/30/2019
Steph always was smart. She knows he misses the old Steph and may never come back.

She's moving out and didn't get to do the nasty with Ranger, but in a way he's right.
She may feel he took advantage of her if and when she gets back.
Bonnie chapter 4 . 5/30/2019
Rotflmao! I love how she plays him.
I keep thinking payback.

Fun, funny, chapter.
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