Reviews for Cabin Fever
JRLink chapter 3 . 9/10/2015
Loved this! Logan is one of my favourite mutants and you portrayed him really great! But I guess this is before Logan gets metal in all of his body..? Because otherwise I know Erik would win... If he does have metal in all of his body I guess Erik let's him win...
Thank you for this story, I liked it!
SoulMore chapter 3 . 2/17/2014
Firelizard46 chapter 3 . 10/29/2013
I'm glad they found away to help Erik.
Guest chapter 3 . 5/22/2013
I suppose Erik will always be called by the sea, a little improvement wouldn't have hurt but nonetheless I like it. Who doesn't like Cherik anyways, pft. Loved this verse!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22/2013
I love how you finally added that bit on Erik's sea-calling-thing and the one where Shaw uses it as a form of punishment.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/22/2013
This fight was long over due! I love Logan's cameos!
slioe chapter 3 . 7/13/2012
I'm falling in love with your Shifterverse series :)
Lil Kitsune-chan chapter 3 . 11/12/2011
I have to admit I'm in love with all your shifter verse xmen series. It has badass erik and cute but strong Charles with epic soulmate action going on (why couldn't more fics be like yours?). I'm just bummed by the fact that Logan is supposedly stronger than Erik when Erik can control metal and well... logan's skeleton is made of metal (plus Erik is my favorite and anyone who can be stronger is denied altogether by me because in my obsessed mind he's the ulitime badass). Good luck to you with your future fics (wether it's xmen or otherwise) and outside the Internet realm :D
DeathTrapDaisy chapter 3 . 10/5/2011
I don't really know about shifters and stuff but for some reason I always like these stories! Its interesting and a fun read.

Wish Charles would turn into the rat sometimes and tease Erik cutely maybe Erik could cuddle him up and put him in his pocket cute! _

Only wondering when Erik and wolverine sparred why didn't Erik just pin Logan cause he has metal bones? Or is this set before that?
Missy the Least chapter 3 . 10/5/2011
Dear Macx: I cannot believe that anyone can find your stories 'repetative'. Frankly, there are any number of very popular published authors whose work can be tarred with that brush, and you are NOT one of them!

For one thing, your command of English is near flawless; you may have a typo here or there or a 'to/too' usage confusion (which may also merely be a typo) and honestly I can't remember seeing one in this fic (or any of the others you've written). There are folks writing on this site who are native English speakers who can't seem to use the correct words or spell them (and I'm not making fun...I know 3 languages and can't spell in any of them).

Next, you have taken a fun and funny concept (rat vs. shark, shark loses/draw) and run with it in delightful ways. It's not always 'Erik has to kill somebody' or 'Charles needs protecting'. Take this tale for example. Erik is NOT out to 'get' anybody; for once, he's actively trying to control his impulses towards chaos AND HE IS ASKING FOR HELP. And Charles is NOT the target of anyone's ire or harm, nor is he some hand-wringing milk-sop needing rescue. This is simply a new, different, domestic problem that needs a solution...(and I do have an idea; instead of a pool or tank, any chance of blasting or tunneling a cave/cove that would allow him a safe access directly to deep water? If you like the notion, I could explain it in more detail...)...and the solution does not involve raiding a government fascility or killing Stryker!

Nor, in my opinion, are you going OOC on us. Erik is still very much 'Erik', but he is growing-up, learning, evolving (pardon the pun). Meanwhile, Charles is strong, his equal, and will stand up to him whenever necessary, yet he is willing to back off and compromise (Erik off-handedly getting rid of Shaw, with Charles accepting the necessity of ridding the world of the evil man, while carefully not judging Erik, is case in point) and is more the way he seems in the comics and the movies, a capable leader in his own right.

So, 'repetative' you are not.

Thus, as so many other are, I am enjoying your 'verse(s) and eagerly await each installment, wanting to see what you uncover next.

Thank you, and write on.
Valkyrie-Pleasant chapter 3 . 10/4/2011
Wonderful as always
Darkyu chapter 3 . 10/4/2011
I'm glad that you're in high spirits concerning your writing! I think is important, as a writer, to read carefully your reviews and critics and make most of them. But when they are simply rude and out to offend, I think it take a lot of guts to stand up and say "I think my writing is great and is getting greater every day!" so really, congratulations for your resolve! I totally agree with the fact that this person actually implied to have read a lot of your story and just waiting till the last second to flame. Coward!

ANYWAY! Going back to the story! Haha, yeah, let's hope that Logan never goes to Erik with the sole intent to piss him off because he has to remember that he's made of metal and Erik can just make him explode! XD Thank you so much for this story and I hope I'll be reading you soon enough!

Good luck and take care,

DevilishBea chapter 3 . 10/4/2011
yey! I just love the shifters version! it's so cute and innocent ish with a spark of mature love
The Singing Duck chapter 3 . 10/4/2011
I want the treasure chest! I want the treasure chest! I want the treasure chest! WITH BUBBLES!

Maybe it could be a gift from Logan. Just a tiny one...

In case you wondered, yes I loved this! Maybe a little regret: the ending was maybe a bit abrupt compared with some other paragraphs. I have the feeling that there are one or two lines missing...

But great job anyway!
MirrorFlower and DarkWind chapter 3 . 10/4/2011
awsoem i loved this one
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