Reviews for Weapon of Choice
bartlettpear chapter 1 . 2/18/2017
This was fun, I would be excited it you decided to pick this up again instead since canon shouldn't have anything that should discourage this fic since it is AU in a non ninja-verse. I like Sasuke's Sharingan glasses, they sound awesome. Naruto catching Sasuke off guard, Sakura kicking Kisame in the nads, Sasuke shooting the bullet out of the air, Naruto tackling Kisame were all really fun character development. Thank you for writing!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
Loved it ! Great job
cknakzex chapter 1 . 9/5/2013
This is interesting. Hope you'll find inspiration to continue.
silverhastears chapter 1 . 6/3/2013
I love it! :)
Starlight Lion chapter 1 . 5/29/2012
I am so fucking confused right now...




dazynl8 chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
YUSSS! An actual awesome AU fic! They're hard to come by I feel. I love your style of writing, it's so easy to read. And while I am sorry for reunion, (because I have read it a while ago) I am stoked for this piece. It's great! I hope you continue to write and update this one. And if so, make it soooooon
gummybear1620 chapter 1 . 10/24/2011
This is so exciting! Sasuke's a bad boy, Itachi is here (and also a bad boy :3) and the Akatsuki...and Naruto's a target for unknown reasons. I wanna find out so bad why! And how Kakashi and Sasuke are related, etc, and just what Sasuke is gonna do to Naruto... (although that makes it sound perverted)

So, in short, great beginning to what will be a wonderful story! I hope you continue it!
Margy77 chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
Had to click on this story after reading that summary. The fic attached to it did not disappoint! I'm a sucker for assassins and bodyguards, so I love the theme for this fic. The action scenes were really good as well. I like how you kept it simple with the action and focused more on the characters instead of describing every kick and punch (since that can be hard to follow). And this cracked me up: "Well, fine by him. Itachi could fight Kakashi, and Sasuke would shoot him in the head. How'd that sound?" It's such a Sasuke way to think. About the ending of the chapter: is Sakura going to go with Naruto & Sasuke? After watching Sasuke heft Naruto over his shoulder, I doubt she'd quietly sit by. Can't wait for chapter 2! :D
Jawz-D chapter 1 . 10/6/2011
this was so good i read it twice :D
Laine Squirrel chapter 1 . 10/5/2011
Whoooo! I really like how this sounds so far. What a great introductory chapter! I'm glad that I saw this randomly (I actually linked to your page because I was re-reading Walking Corpse - LOVE Naruto in that one) and clicked on it. I'm curious as to why everyone wants Naruto! And I'm curious as to what's going to happen next, waaaaah!

I know this was just posted like 2 days ago, but I really hope you update soon because I want to know what's in store for Naruto and what's going to happen next and all that lovely fun stuff. So I think you should get another chapter up as soon as you can at your earliest convenience (but really no rush; if it's not ready, it's not ready). I am looking forward to it! D

I hope there's a lot more fun stuff for Naruto in store. And I hope this doesn't turn into like a comedy act. (Although I can't see that really happening, just thought I'd put out the warning.) More action/fighting scenes in which Naruto is rendered essentially helpless. But Naruto shouldn't be a wimp, either (which I liked that you had him be so valiant - not an extreme hard-core flawless fighter, but got a little bit of spunk in him).

Anyway, please please please update soooooooon, I want to know what happens next! Great first chapter, so excited for the next one! D (You also need to update it so I can read more so I can decide whether it'll be a story to add to my favorites or not, because so far it's looking like a yes, but it also depends on where you take this story. But you did an excellent job with Walking Corpse, so I'm not too worried about that.) )

Best wishes,


P.S. Your summary for this is such an attention-grabber! I really really very much liked it. 3
Dragon77 chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
Very good start! Looking forward to this story it sounds great update soon.
wingedmercury chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
Dude, this is totally AWESOME! You literally had me on the edge of my seat- I totally can't wait for the next chappy!
Fireotaku18 chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
This looks really good so far! Cannot wait for the next chapter!
tyranimo chapter 1 . 10/3/2011

looks very promising!

please do continue it, i'll be looking forward to the next chapter!