Reviews for Here We Go
velossian chapter 1 . 2/9/2017
I think your story is absolutely amazing you have done amazing job in getting the characters right and the emotions regarding what happend right. PTSD and all.
detectivejigsaw chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
The part about Alexander is very touching. I like this.
Desertcoyote77 chapter 1 . 11/13/2014
Great introspective piece! LOL just noticed this story is 3 years old...
I-Am-Silence chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
Hey I know its been out for awhile but just wanted to say great story!
Minecraft Guardiansaiyan chapter 1 . 10/8/2013
Thats so beautiful! I love thatthere are still people that are writing about this universe!

Please keep writing cause yourits really good and deep with substance!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
More Gwen
Delgodess chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
Very nice. Its has just the right touch of longing to it and an almost hopelessness. This is what their lives have become. Its everything they ever wanted and yet...not. Great job.
FrancineMarie chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
That gave me so many feels.
Kanttarelli chapter 1 . 2/1/2013
The mood of the story is perfect. Fluent and well written. Thank you!
NinetailedJay chapter 1 . 7/21/2012

I don't know how to say how I'm feeling right now...It's such a nice feeling. When you read a story that,
1) you wouldn't even think asnyone would have bothered writing because it's not a big film.
2) Because it has my faverout actress in this story (or her role..Gwen)
3) It's so well written, subtlety is big when writing a story and al those subtle lines and phrases that you have included show us that you respect the film but also when reading it...kinda just reads so smoothly, no jumpy transitions or no over the top statements.
4) It's a nice little round off to the film. I really enjoyed the film and they did end it better than most films do but this story just helps round off a great film.

I have to say it again because I've been looking for a Galaxy quest story (out of all 2 of them on here) for one with a nice Gwen/Jason relationship but with them in character :) Great work :)

I'm sorry if my review doesn't make any sense, but just putting 'great job' or 'nice story' would be an offence :)

Hazmatt chapter 1 . 2/11/2012
Amazing story! I really enjoyed it!
Allronix chapter 1 . 11/3/2011
It's all those little details that make this one work. Jason noticing little things that otherwise would never bother him. It's "Ten minutes later, they try again, and this time, Alexander makes it through the line without seeing a dead Thermian boy in place of the actor in his arms. The second they finish for the day, he holes himself up in the nearest pub he can find." It's Gwen looking up at the stars and wondering about the real wonders out there. It's the cast developing into a team that has an off-screen bond and jokes no one will understand...all the little things you don't think about until you've left the theater.
Old Fiat chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
You know, this was really fantastic. I was surprised enough to see that there is a Galaxy Quest section on FFN, let alone that there was something so well-written and well thought out as this. This was really fantastic work. You got completely inside the characters' heads and showed how difficult an adjustment like that would be. Excellent work. I loved the part as the end with Gwen and Jason. It was so sweet and so perfectly written. Excellent work. I really enjoyed reading this and was really happy to see it here. I'm glad you wrote this. It really made my night.