Reviews for Come What May
jy24 chapter 9 . 1/1/2016
Now this is a very exciting part, why stop now? Please update this very great fanfic.
Russian Prince Kai Hiwatari chapter 9 . 6/24/2015
A good story so far! I do not want to believe that Cloud really set them up. He just didn't want him and his brothers getting captured and forced home by Daddy in my opinion but I suppose I'll have to wait and see what the truth is. 3 Can't wait to see what happens but be sure to take your time with it! Don't feel you need to rush or anything for my sake!
Kasandwich chapter 9 . 9/10/2013
OMFG! I LOVE THIS STORY! I've shared it with five friends and they all love it too. I can't wait for the next update
StillDollDemon chapter 9 . 8/25/2013
to lazy to log in.
Things got really confussing for a sec. Cloud set them up?! Huh? He loves Leon why would he set them up? Like did he know his own father was aiming for Leons head? This is so confussing. Really Cloud? Go eat some fucking nasty fish you bastard. WHAA?! I feel sorry for Leon. Mindfuck. God no. CLOOOOUD how could you do this! i so want to know what the hell happened.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/14/2013
Love the story you're very talented. Please update soon! :)
baileymermaid95 chapter 9 . 4/10/2013
Don't let a lack of reviews discourage you! You have a lot of reviews already and anyone who doesn't review is just a lazy asshole! See, I'm too tired to form a truly coherent sentence and I'm reviewing cause I believe in you!


As exhausted as always,

nyahxneko chapter 9 . 3/27/2013
Oh my gosh, I've been waiting to read something like this since forever! QAQ AGHHH IT'S SO AMAZINGLY CUTE AND HOT JUST AJHFIENDIFBDJENDKD eee thank you so much for sharing this treasure! Ahh NOOO, poor Leon! I hope everything works out and am secretly hoping for some riku and sora /
UltimateNinjaOfDoom chapter 9 . 3/9/2013
so where has cloud ran off to i cant wait to find out
Mayuko-chan chapter 9 . 3/7/2013
I liiiiiiike Sephy! Thx for this chapter! :D
Ern Estine 13624 chapter 9 . 3/6/2013
interesting can't wait for more.;D
Cerulean Twin chapter 9 . 3/5/2013
;w; whyyy
WindWisp chapter 9 . 3/5/2013
*&! #%&! Sephiroth is the King's general?! What a lying, possessive, beastly hypocrite! (I'm having issues with adjectives right now. And speech in general.)
I refuse to believe that Cloud set him up!
I do...
I don't know anymore! I've been trying to figure it out in my mind but nothing works out!
Unless Cloud and the boys went off trying to create a diversion but the guards didn't follow them because they were idiots and didn't stop to get tracked or maybe they went to provide surprise backup like the crew except they got caught by the guards and now Cloud's tied up in the palace in a rage and being overall awesome while Leon is depressed and feeling all betrayed and empty (poor Leon, by the way) but Cloud will eventually end up breaking free and saving Leon from Sephiroth when he goes off to attack and there'll end up being this huge battle with the royal guard and Cloud will save Leon's life and... and... yeah.
Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself?
In other words, definitely worth a review. ;)
Oh! I thought of the word I wanted to use for Sephiroth: bastard. Normally that would have been one of the first things that came to mind when I read his character, but I'm sick, so my brain's slow.
On that note, I've had a really horrid past couple of days but I freaked out when I saw the update. I forgot how much I've missed this story! I'm rather fond of longer chapters (more to read), so no need to apologize! They don't really take that much longer to read, honest.
So... update soon, yeah?
Yay long reviews!
Little.SniperPanda chapter 9 . 3/5/2013
OH MY JEBUSSSS! YOU FINALLY UPDATED! I was so happy to see this, I almost cried Lolz! The chapter was awesome and had ended in total suspense but dude! You have to update soon please! I need to knows what happens next!
AlchemyIndex chapter 9 . 3/5/2013
I just found this story a few days ago and I must say I am impressed. Your writing style compliments the theme well and your character interactions seem so fluid. Its easy to get caught up in it!

I'll be very eagerly awaiting the next installment. Keep up the great work.
Windform chapter 9 . 3/4/2013
Aww, and just when things were going so well between them too. I hope Cloud makes it back to Leon safely.

Wasn't Seifer kicked out of the crew a few chapters back?
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