Reviews for The Best of Them
Ashley chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
All Marauder stories make me cry even if they're funny, because they all end up betrayed and dead in the end anyway... It's so sad.

This was cute and sweet. The last part sent chills up my spine. "He should have known." I can't imagine living with the that kind of guilt.
waiting4aweasley chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
That was a really great story. It sums it all up and shows everyone's personality really well. The last line was so very ominious that I got a shiver. But again it was beautifully in character. Sirius would blame himself for not seeing but there is no way to have seen. But lily was explained just as I always imagined her, so wonderful job there. You have an unique and awesome writing style, keep it up:)
chewinggumandpencils chapter 1 . 2/20/2012
This is really powerful. I always thought that Sirius would accept Lily, but this makes perfect sense. I love how you described Lily; your description of her fits in perfectly with how I imagine her. The whole part about Peter getting left out was perfectly terrible. (That's a good thing.) It just tore at my heart. The ending is really good. Honestly, I can't fault this story. If I really try, I would say that it would have been good to work Peter in a bit earlier, since he wasn't being left out in the beginning.

Very well done!
Ravnur chapter 1 . 12/23/2011
I like this one-shot. How she changes everything, including Peter's jealousy. That there's 'a reason' to betray them. Not a good reason, but a reason. Because I often wonder why Peter went to betray Lily and James, when he was a very good friend of them, whom James completely trusted.

And Sirius' reaction to Lily. I've always imagined him as immature and reckless, and that he would be a little jealous of Lily in the beginning. I mean, she said suddenly yes, when James matured. What would Sirius have felt then? I think you captured everything perfect.
kittykittyhunter chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
Wooow. This was a good read! I really liked you captured the jealousy that was bound to come about from suddenly having a fifth, and the way you completely shifted the focus and perspective at the end, the serious forboding... I loved the tense atmosphere. Awesome work!
Satan Abraham chapter 1 . 10/14/2011
This was really, really sweet. :)
Mr Bellatrix Lestrange chapter 1 . 10/12/2011
I wonder if you realize that this is the perfect roadmap of all things Lily. I love her dip into each of the Marauders, and even though she bugs the heck out of me, it was still a nice thing to read about. She's like this little balancing scale holding them all together. Poor Peter though, you aren't rooting for him yet! :d
MaudlinSerntiments chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
very poignant.
keeptheotherone chapter 1 . 10/8/2011
Oh, I like this! I like Sirius's progression from being suspicious and jealous of Lily to being accepting, and his observations on how she changes the group dynamics. Favorite line: "The thing that Sirius likes most about her, though, is James" and the last line :)