Reviews for Then They Do
annwafflemaster chapter 2 . 5/3
this is adorable
Daisyangel chapter 3 . 3/13/2014
Love this story and this song.
I'maMePanda chapter 1 . 9/25/2013
I'm really liking this so far. It makes sense that well Red would be genuinely happy to have the kids mostly out of the house, he would still find adjusting to the changes that go with it difficult, particularly the things one doesn't think about consciously, like the constant noise that is suddenly gone. I like that the kitchen-a vital room for the Forman clan is the room that actually makes him notice it. And ah, Red's getting nostalgic.

Off to read the next chapter.
sfbxfcb chapter 3 . 1/8/2012
GanjaPanda chapter 3 . 10/30/2011
Absolutely sweet, without being cloying. Micheal and Red made me giggle. Your fics never fail to make me happy, thank you for sharing.
notabelieber chapter 3 . 10/29/2011
I love this story! It's so great to read stories were Red actually has a heart! 5 stars and 2 thumbs up form me! :)

MistyMountainHop chapter 3 . 10/27/2011
maybe the house wasn't as peaceful as it was empty.

Great insight.

With her small smile still in place

I like this description.

She was going to get him to admit it to her…and then she would pass on the message to the kids.

Oh, Kitty... you and your devious plans. *lol*

"I don't miss them, Kitty." Red replied in a quick and gruff manner.

Kitty held back a larger grin, "I think you do."

"No I don't." Red argued, "Why would I miss them? They're a bunch of locusts that come in here looking for free food and end up taking over the place."

"Because they're our locusts." Kitty pointed out sounding and appearing to be close to tears, "And I miss them."

Really nice, in-character exchange!

"And even when I see a picture like that one over there…they're all dressed up and grown up and I still see them as my little babies covered in dirt and sweat from running around outside."

Aww, poor Kitty. ( Her feelings are totally relatable.

"Look Kitty, I'll admit this. Without all of them here things have been pretty dull."

Ouch! Red just unintentionally burned Kitty. *lol*

"No, no not boring. Things have just been…less crazy."

Nice save. *lol*

Red gave a light chuckle at the mere thoughts of the different antics the group of misfits had done over the years that had Kitty restocking the kit with new supplies every other week.

I can imagine that being the case, Kitty having to buy new first-aid supplies all the time. D

"Yes it is I, your college graduate son…scratch that… your only college graduate child."

LOL That's totally Eric's voice.

"Eric, we graduated from college a year ago."

LMAO Eriiiiiic.

"And you know how kids can have a hard time with fractions. I'm hoping this song that Donna and I came up with will help them out a little.

Aww, that's so sweet that Donna helped him out with that.

"Wow. Two minutes and twenty three seconds." He said, confusing both his mother and father, "That's gotta be the longest it's taken you to ask us that."

Donna nodded, "Could be a new record."


"Aw, Daddy." Eric said in a small voice as he touched his heart, "I missed you too."


"Jackie, normal people actually knock instead of just saying it and then they wait for the door to be answered."

LOL again

"No." the brunette shook her head back and forth, "Michael's out there with them."

Eric nodded, "So like Donna said, you left your kids outside alone?"

Exactly. Knew that was coming. *lol*

"Brooke's out there watching Kelso." Hyde added

LOL Brooke was right: She has two kids to look after, huh?

And Laurie…"

"We're still waiting for her to grow out of it." Eric finished

D Totally accurate. *lol*

"What? Anything that leads up getting anything diamond I'm gonna agree too.

This is very much in Jackie's voice.

I was the one who handled them at the store when they wanted those six Barbie's."

They're definitely their mother's daughters.

Laurie and the foreigner…actually he didn't look and didn't want to look in their direction at the moment

*lol* Yeah, I don't blame him.

"Hey guys, check it out. I found the…"his sentence was brought to a sudden halt as he saw a frowning Red, "It's Red! Run for it!"

And after dropping the hose on to the floor Kelso bolted out of the house as fast as he could,

The hose! Love how you brought that in from the flashback!

Prissy, your writing displays both your sense of humor and your heart, and they're just lovely. As always, I love how you illustrate Kitty and Red's relationship. You also successfully mix the melancholy of time passing with the joy of living in the moment. It's a strange but very real dichotomy, and your story evokes many of the emotions that go along with it. You use the That '70s Show characters to illuminate truths about the human condition - not in a showy or flashy way, but in a way that feels organic and honest. I hope you keep writing throughout your life, whether it's fanfic or stories with original characters.
Faith is Fortune chapter 3 . 10/22/2011
I'll give this chapter a yay AND applause. :)

I'm pleased to see that deep down, Red did miss them, even if it was only for a short while. And that Kitty "pushed" him to realize it. :P

You know me, Prissy. I hate when Eric and Donna are placed in stories only as the butt of jokes or act S7-ish, where they're OOC and only around just to take up space. I'm glad you didn't do that in this story. And I like that Jackie was Jackie, and not like the S8 Jackie where I barely recognized her anymore. And the sniping between Jackie and Eric and Eric and Laurie are my favorite parts.

I envisioned Kelso would be another "kid" for Brooke, so I enjoyed when Donna and Eric were worried about the kids. And I liked that Brooke was in the story, just because. :P

Yes, Laurie and Fez are together! I wish they kept that couple intact in the show instead of destroying it like they did with Brooke and Kelso. Jackie and Fez towards the end of the series wasn't right at all.

All in all, I thought this story is great. I look forward to reading more from you in the future. :)

twiniitowers chapter 3 . 10/21/2011
Prissy, First, I have to correct my typo when I reviewed your second chapter [quote]But, I heart how you love Kitty and Hyde. Onto chapter 3. :)[/quote] That should read: But, I heart how you love to write for Kitty and Hyde. Sorry about that. Yeah. College Graduate Eric! Something the show was afraid of with all of the cast members. (That bone they threw to Donna at the end of the show was awful). I LOVE HOW RED MISSES AND LOVES THEM! His bark is worse than his bite. Good job on your three-shot. :) I enjoyed this story. p.s. And thanks for the board plug in your introductions. :)
twiniitowers chapter 2 . 10/21/2011
Prissy, I love that scene with Kitty and Hyde and the sweater! You always do great Kitty and Hyde scenes (like your video camera scenes that open each chapter of "Two Weeks" - those are my favorite parts in that story). I know this is something more about Red - and that homework scene was great. But, I heart how you love Kitty and Hyde. Onto chapter 3. :)
twiniitowers chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
Prissy, I loved how Red gets to a softie and three dimensional. I think one of the problems that, "T7S" suffered from was after a while the lack of characterization for the sake of a joke or some other contrivance. Thanks for posting this URL on the board (because I only received the last two notifications from ff net). Good job so far. :) Red is definitely one of those types who might say he'd love a quiet house (or dumbass free *lol*), but you know he loves all of the kids (not just the given Eric and Hyde), but he even gets a chuckle from old Kettlehead. ;) Onto chapter 2. :)
countessplaten chapter 3 . 10/20/2011
Cool story. It would've been nice if THIS happened in the actual series, though. :)
Marla's Lost chapter 3 . 10/20/2011
**APPLAUSE** This was so sweet and wonderful and had a collage of beautifully writtten sub-scenes written in the plot. My favorites:

Red had been waiting years and years and years for these types of days to come. However, now that they were actually here they had Red thinking that maybe his wife had been right, maybe the house wasn't as peaceful as it was empty. ***Be careful what you wish for might actually get it!


"Of course you miss them, Kitty. You're their mother."

Red's words tugged at Kitty's heart and she smiled as she looked up at him through her misting eyes, knowing that by 'their' he was referring to all of the kids and not just their biological ones. ***Loved how Red's coming around - not as fast as Kitty wanted but...


When he saw the tears still shinning in her blue eyes he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. Though she wasn't smiling just yet Kitty did lean into the embrace, resting her head on Red's shoulder. ***AWWWWW - too sweet!


"Aw, Daddy." Eric said in a small voice as he touched his heart, "I missed you too." followed by "Stop being weird and get off of me." He growled. ***FUNNY! Loved the interaction here!


Hey Red, what's with you?" Hyde asked casually, "Forman sing you his Twinkle Twinkle Little Fraction song?"

"No." Eric answered for their father, "I didn't even get a word in."

Hyde nodded and clasped his hand on Red's shoulder, "Consider yourself lucky."

Letting out a heavy sigh Hyde pushed himself out of his seat and headed for the exit.

"Man, I can't wait 'till they grow up." He mumbled as he walked pasted where Red was standing. *** Hey, I want to hear the Twinkle Fraction song!


Red heard Hyde's words and was about to tell him 'Get ready for a lot of those moments' when he took a look around the kitchen seeing all of the kids…his kids now all grown up. Jackie helping Kitty with breakfast, Eric and Donna talking about their jobs, Laurie and the foreigner…actually he didn't look and didn't want to look in their direction at the moment, and Steven going to take care of his own children. A proud smirk crawled on to his lips as he decided to change his words.

"And then they do." He told his adopted son as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Lovely wrap up to a great story Nannygirl! All the teens and their kids and the Forman's affection was very apparent - loved LOVED this story!

Lexi Camille chapter 3 . 10/20/2011
I loved it! the second chapter was amazing, and so was this one! I love your T7S writing, and I can't wait for more~
Eliza Ghost chapter 3 . 10/20/2011
Loved it so much. You always get Red's thoughts down so perfectly. I loved the little banter with him and Kitty. And I love Eric's arrival sentence, lol. Haha, his twinkle twinkle little fraction song. I loved Eric's quips. And Fez and Laurie actually fell for each other? Who would have guessed? I did like that Red still calls him "alibaba" and the likes. Aww, Gracie and Carly take after Jackie. Cute. I love Kelso's never ending immaturity "Oh, no! It's Red, run!" Lol. and I lve the irony of Hyde wanting them to grow up. Very clever and sweet, but I also liked that it showed him thinking like Red :) I just love Red's relationship with everyone :P Very cute story, love it.
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