Reviews for A Page in Thine Army
Dino-Rogue chapter 1 . 6/17/2016
Praise be to the Lord, to the Lion!

Just the way a true Narnian scene gap ought to be filled; book-verse and with a parable, the way, I believe, MR Lewis himself would have liked it done. Oh, OFG, dear, blessed author of the Narnia fandom, you have yet again outdone yourself with this! Superb piece, friend! Great job!
Sophia the Scribe chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
Hello, OldFashionedGirl,

I love your stories, especially this and your other King James-style theologically-themed writings. You expand on Lewis's references to the Scriptures in a way I am sure he himself would love to explore further. Your works are so lovely!

~Sophia the Scribe
meldahlie chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
Oh, I DO like your KJV English!
The Hobbit's Rhapsody chapter 1 . 10/26/2013
I. Love. This.

I realize it's kind of an old fic, but for whatever reason I didn't see it earlier and now I find that it's superb. I love the high, KJV-esque style adapted to Narnia, and the way you adapted it to match the brothers rather than keeping with the original Father-and-son angle (which might have been a more obvious concept, with Aslan or the like). It's fantastic.

(And your disclaimer was hilarious.)
Starbrow chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
Awwww! High-style brotherly embracing, weeping, and kissing I will approve of, especially when it is framed so poignantly in the prodigal parable. Very touching.
InuGome chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
Oh, I love this fic! Funny, I didn't really realize the fact before; that in some ways, Edmund's story is also kind of like that of The Prodigal Son. Especially with that story also talking of brothers as well, and forgiveness, returning to one's home (his family) and being a real, true, devoted king, and all. Awesome piece!
Misty Blue chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
Wow! I . . . wow! Oh, I can't find words to describe this! Out of all the parables in the Holy Bible, the Prodigal Son has got to be my favorite (though I'm not sure if having a favorite story in The Bible is quite right). And you paralleling it a bit with Edmund's story (my favorite character in all the TCON books) in this fic . . . oh,now I adore it even more! And it's book-verse, too! My kind of Narnia piece. Solid in canon all through. I must say, you did an excellent job with this. I did not realize that before; that somehow, Ed's story is a little like the Bible parable. Wonderful, wonderful fic! God bless you, and please keep writing!
Ariyah chapter 1 . 6/11/2012
Hullo, I /have/ read something of your stuff before: this one! So. I'm obliged to give you a review.

I thought it was a very clever and well-played-out idea. My only problem was that the role as the parable's father switched from Aslan to Peter (not as in "I really didn't like how you did it" but more in the "yeah, that kind of messed me up" sense).

Will be reading more of your stuff in time to come.

dreaminsapphire chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
I haven't seen a book verse of this moment written either. This is very well written and you have such a distinct voice. This is a sweet story and I enjoy the biblical undertone as well as the parallel. Good work and keep writing.
Hikari Urania chapter 1 . 3/23/2012
Beautiful redention of "The Prodigal Son," Narnian style. I find that this story was just amazing.
Saoirse7 chapter 1 . 3/16/2012
This is good! Not only is there the parable parallel (written in Narnia verse, and very well done at that), but there are also several other biblical references here. I really like the end where the parable is painfully silent, when the older brother is reconciled to his younger brother. Your disclaimer was hilarious, by the way. (And I agree with you about when the plotbunnies strike, most unfortunately. :\ )
foundandfreed chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
Oh, this is beautiful! I was raised on the King James Bible, so this is deliciously familiar. You did a beautiful job with the styling and the story. I've always found it so sad in that parable that the elder son rejected his brother. Edmund's confession was probably the most beautiful part; I especially loved the phrase "a page in thy army". I knew the moment I saw the title that I would like the story and it did not disappoint. Thank you!
the shadow proves the sunshine chapter 1 . 2/24/2012
This is brilliant, really. Not only have you rewritten a parable without telling the exact same story, but you managed to do so in the same style(which, having tried before, I can say this can be a very difficult style to emulate). And your disclaimer made me laugh.
Liv Tinuviel chapter 1 . 10/17/2011
I though this was very well done and very interesting. The parallel was quite fitting and not at all anything like what people usually do.

Define X chapter 1 . 10/15/2011
Beautiful! I love the allegory. Well written, good message, and just all around great. Well done!
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