Reviews for Fighting the Battle
Daisy Bokoblin chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
ACK- My- My poor heart- Why did you do this to me? I love the father/son relationship between Uther and Arthur, and you just brought it to life so beautifully before ending the fic and ripping my heart to itty bitty shreds- Oh goodness poor Arthur- Mkay I'm just gonna stop typing now before I ramble on and on (not really, I actually have a few more things to say). Amazing job on this, I loved it and you're just such an amazing author! Seriously, I go from reading one of your crack fics and bursting a lung laughing, to reading a bittersweet Arwen fic of yours and being all shippy like, to reading THIS and being on the flipping verge of tears. I don't even understand how it's even possible, but awesome job at accomplishing it :)
MagicGirl41 chapter 1 . 9/30/2012
Now I'm crying. And it's all your fault. Damn you and your good writing ;'(
nomdeplume30 chapter 1 . 9/24/2012
Very sweet and sad. Wonderfully written. I got a little choked up while reading it.
King Caspian the Seafarer chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
*sad look* Well done. Someone needed to write poor Uther a tribute, and this was just...just perfect. I love how you've written young Arthur, and...agh, it was just too good. It /does/ feel like that when you're a kid and sick, and the thought of young-Arthur and Uther being there to hang onto him in the worst of it was so bittersweet, paired with that ending. And the ending of /that episode/. :(

Well done, though! A wonderful tribute to the second-to-last of the Pendragons.
catgirl789 chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
I never thought I'd miss Uther. Heck I thought we would all have a humongous party on his grave! And then 4x03 aired. T.T This story was as depressing as the actual moment. Good job.
Vegetableswillhavetheirrevenge chapter 1 . 10/16/2011

Brilliantly done, and a fitting way to mourn for Uther. (Stupid, mean writers!)

I love that you kept is as Uther not knowing what to do in that sort of situation. And the "I love you." *sobs*

Whirlwind421 chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
That was so sad! *cries* Great writing! I like how you mixed the two!
LAHH chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
Great chapter. Thanks for updating. x
Tony-In-Distress chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
I love this. It made me cry. Thank you.
DragonGem777 chapter 1 . 10/16/2011

that's so sad! Agh poor Arthur! He's gotta be just DEVASTATED! ugh...this is really the most depressing season ever...good one-shot though...poor Uther...i'm gonna miss him so much...
animeloveramy chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
thats so sad...yet so adoreably cute...

and uther was just begining to get truly awesome..
Magic Cabbage chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
:( poor Arthur...
pixelsurgeon chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
Awwww x1000000000

This is so sad! I was having a good morning...

But it rocked, so I forgive you.
Loopstagirl chapter 1 . 10/16/2011
Oh this made me well up, it was absolutely heartbreakingly gorgeous!
ArodieltheElfofRohan chapter 1 . 10/16/2011