Reviews for In Darkness Comes Light
Nashiru Miharu chapter 7 . 2/24/2015
Waaaaaaaa! It was so so soooo cute! Kyaaaaaah *-* SO DAMN ADORABLE! In fact, those two are truly sweet, even if Ritsu's still in denial *sigh* He's so stupid sometimes... Good thing in the end he was sweeter x3 I really like Ritsu like that hehehe n.n
Ok, now I have to study (oops :P) so I'll have to finish now. I really enjoyed the story! :D
Maybe we will see each other next time, who knows?
Nashiru Miharu chapter 6 . 2/24/2015
Oooown so cute! Kyaaaaah! Love it! Those two are really perfect u.u Awesome! :3
They let Ann run away like that? What if she comes back?! D: And Takano acting like a true hero (not that I don't like it, it's more like the opposite *-*) and neglecting his bleeding hand. That could be dangerous, you know? Like Ritsu said, it could infect and then it would be very troublesome :c
Those two are freeee! Yeaaaaay *happy happy*
Nashiru Miharu chapter 5 . 2/24/2015
Ann... Gosh... You are crazier than I remember you to be o.o ahahahah just kidding xD But seriously, this girl is truly a psycho x-x Run for your life! x) I truly mean it ._. Because Ritsu and Takano will need it :x
OF COURSE Ritsu won't get killed u-u Takano is going to grab him and pull him away, or protect Ritsu with is own body (I hope not o.o) or in the worst case, Ritsu will get injured, but he is going to survive :3
Loving till now!
Nashiru Miharu chapter 4 . 2/24/2015
Wtf?! Ritsu's lover? Where the hell did you get that? Are you mad? Probably u-u BECAUSE TAKANO IS RITSU'S LOVER! THE REAL ONE! Gaaah, you stupid bitch. Who the hell do you think you are? Geez, grow up a little, would you?
I was really nervous when Takano was breaking the chain! Seriously, my heart was pounding x) But I really felt relieved when Takano make it! Uhuuuul \o/
Nashiru Miharu chapter 3 . 2/24/2015
Takano is coming closer! *0* GOOOOO TAKANO! GOOOOO! Ritsu is waiting for you! Go! Go! Go! :D
Ritsu, give Takano a sign! Any sign! Anything serves! him :c
Gosh, this is soooo stressing! I love it! x3
And that guy was pretty helpful! I just hope he wasn't lying...
Nashiru Miharu chapter 2 . 2/24/2015
Ritsu, wait for Takano! He's coming! Don't give up! D: Unfortunately, the person at the door isn't Masamune... Ritsu, prepare yourself... Dark times are waiting for you...
Oooown Takano looked all night for Ritsu! So damn cute! T-T Sadly, he couldn't find him... Maybe he manage to find Ritsu's phone! If luck's on his side :P
Geez, Yokozawa was really kind of an annoying bitch -.- Accept it! Takano doesn't love you! He loves Ritsu, always did and always will. End of the conversation u-u
See you soon!
Nashiru Miharu chapter 1 . 2/24/2015
Hello there! How are you? Fine, I hope n.n Well, I found your story just by case and I really liked your idea! *-* I love these dark themes! Hehe Can't help it n.n"
Ok, now about the fic!
NOOOOO RITSU! You idiot! Why did you ran from Takano? He was only worried with you! D: Gosh, Ritsu is soooo stupid sometimes! Aaaaargh It pisses me off completely! He thinks just because he is an adult now, he can do everything! Aaaargh damn it! And now he was caught! :c Buaaaah TT-TT
See you next one!
anime1hinata chapter 7 . 2/17/2012
Please update, I miss this story! Or is it complete? :o
Nique13 chapter 4 . 12/28/2011
It's An-chan, right?
lilanimefan247 chapter 7 . 12/1/2011
great job XD i love it
anime1hinata chapter 6 . 11/17/2011
OMG OMG! This story is so awesome and the blood spices it up even more!
lilanimefan247 chapter 6 . 11/17/2011
OMG love it, great job !
Drunken Strawberries chapter 5 . 11/12/2011
Oh my gosh please don't tell me Takano took the hit and he ends up dying! THat's tally sliche if he dies! or takes the hit XD anyone I can't wait for the next chapter! who knew n could go psycho? I thought of her like Elizabeth in kuroshitsuji! XD
spiritmind675 chapter 5 . 11/12/2011

Oh god this was...strange to read...But I do enjoy reading about An...especially different takes on how she could react. Like a psycho for one D ...prolly because she annoys me and seems...kinda crazy(I only saw her in the anime but still...)

Denial much?

Haha so good work with this chapter! I can't wait for the next. Seriously. I can't...IMUSTKNOW! O.O
NewUserNameForPurposes chapter 5 . 11/11/2011
jeez, what a cliff hanger!

this is a very suspenseful story, i absolutely love it. im writing something similar, but more violent :D

lemons should be included please~!

i shall review in the future :D update soon!
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