Reviews for Kings Parted
Jocelyn chapter 6 . 6/11
Please, please, please continue, this series is amazing and I really want to read the last one. Please
twilightdragons chapter 7 . 8/16/2014
Love this series :) Read the first chapter of kings battle on livejournal. Hopefully you'll be back with an update soon, maybe on ff as well since they have eased up on the deleting?
DeepRootsAerNotReached chapter 6 . 3/2/2014
No, this is just too cruel. I feel like Caspian loses everything and... Oh no. It's so sad. Please tell me they will get a happy ending!

Blazing Ace chapter 6 . 4/8/2013
beautifully written!
Blazing Ace chapter 3 . 4/8/2013
dewachen chapter 7 . 2/22/2013
Let's try this again, signed this time:
It's difficult to start reviewing a story this late in the piece, especially a story so perfectly written that all I can do is gush anyway, but I think it's nice to introduce oneself to a writer one admires (and to a fellow Melbournian).

I’ve only recently found the Kings series as I’ve only recently discovered the Dawn Treader. I swear I went nowhere near my ordinarily yaoi tinted glasses but as the movie progressed I found it very hard not to squirm and blush as the incredible bromance between the two kings on screen became blatantly obvious. So, believing it had to be just me, I ventured online that night only to find a plethora of Casmund videos, all made by people who apparently saw the same thing. Visit to further affirmed my reality.

And then I found the Kings series.

I find it incredible, melblue, that you've resisted watching the movies for so long! Oh, it’s fair enough, it’s hard enough to watch a cinematic version of characters you’ve read about and pictured them in your head, but it would be nigh impossible with the characters you’ve pretty much re-created yourself.

When you do get to see the Dawn Treader though, I hope you will not be disappointed. Because I know that for me, Ben's Caspian is your Caspian, all wonderful and kingly, authoritative yet kind, strong but considerate, and seeing through Edmund's inhibitions. The way he looks at Edmund in the movie is exactly the way I picture your Caspian looking at your Edmund. And Skandar’s Edmund is your Edmund, full of anguish and self-doubt yet never shying away from confronting his fears.

I love how you describe the beginning of their relationship; it's never corny and it never falls into the trap many slash stories fall into, when one of the characters takes on an overly submissive role, and the other suddenly starts saying things I believe women would like to hear but I have yet to hear men actually speak! Your two kings are always believable, they both retain their masculinity, and whatever submissiveness comes from Edmund, it seems to stem from his youth and inexperience rather than a desire to be romanced like a woman. I thought keeping Edmund a virgin through all of his adult years in Narnia was a bold move, but it so works from the perspective of Caspian’s seduction that I will take it. And the sex, my god, the sex! Another aspect of slash that so often falls into predictability, yet the sex in the Kings is never anything but fresh and unbelievably hot.

I cannot describe the anguish I felt at the end of Kings Love, or depression I fell into all through Kings Parted. You’ve made Caspian and Edmund’s loss so palpable, so tangible. And given that I’ve migrated here from the Vampire Knight fandom where angst abounds, that says a lot. Of course the great love stories are the tragic ones. Would Titanic or Romeo and Juliet be the same if Leonardo lived? It's the pain of losing what could have been that makes love everlasting and the story never spent.

So I'm incredibly curious how Caspian and Edmund’s story is going to unfold in whatever hereafter you will create for them. I don’t really mind if they're dead, or not really dead, or very much alive in this alternate universe; to me spirits can just as easily assume forms and get physical as 1300-year-old transported bodies can. The beauty of Narnia is its play on dimensions, time and portals, so I find The Last Battle far less infuriating than other readers seem to. And although I don’t care much for C.S. Lewis’s obsession with Christian themes, I do think that his treatment of the Jesus character is almost heretic, and his view of time and space far more pagan than Christian.

I have a bit more of a problem with the Peter/Eustace narrative, and here I am the victim of the cinematic depictions, because I find neither actors attractive nor do I find chemistry between them plausible. But here I will just have to rely on your descriptions and not have the actors in my head like I can with Caspian and Edmund as an added bonus!

And I am prepared to sit through months of angst waiting for and then reading your updates for I am heartened by your assurance that you have never written a story without a happy ending. And I so wish for Caspian and Edmund to get their happy ending!
Guest chapter 7 . 2/22/2013
It's difficult to start reviewing a story this late in the piece, especially a story so perfectly written that all I can do is gush anyway, but I think it's nice to introduce oneself to a writer one admires (and to a fellow Melbournian).

I’ve only recently found the Kings series as I’ve only recently discovered the Dawn Treader. I swear I went nowhere near my ordinarily yaoi tinted glasses but as the movie progressed I found it very hard not to squirm and blush as the incredible bromance between the two kings on screen became blatantly obvious. So, believing it had to be just me, I ventured online that night only to find a plethora of Casmund videos, all made by people who apparently saw the same thing. Visit to further affirmed my reality.

And then I found the Kings series.

I find it incredible, melblue, that you've resisted watching the movies for so long! Oh, it’s fair enough, it’s hard enough to watch a cinematic version of characters you’ve read about and pictured them in your head, but it would be nigh impossible with the characters you’ve pretty much re-created yourself.

When you do get to see the Dawn Treader though, I hope you will not be disappointed. Because I know that for me, Ben's Caspian is your Caspian, all wonderful and kingly, authoritative yet kind, strong but considerate, and seeing through Edmund's inhibitions. The way he looks at Edmund in the movie is exactly the way I picture your Caspian looking at your Edmund. And Skandar’s Edmund is your Edmund, full of anguish and self-doubt yet never shying away from confronting his fears.

I love how you describe the beginning of their relationship; it's never corny and it never falls into the trap many slash stories fall into, when one of the characters takes on an overly submissive role, and the other suddenly starts saying things I believe women would like to hear but I have yet to hear men actually speak! Your two kings are always believable, they both retain their masculinity, and whatever submissiveness comes from Edmund, it seems to stem from his youth and inexperience rather than a desire to be romanced like a woman. I thought keeping Edmund a virgin through all of his adult years in Narnia was a bold move, but it so works from the perspective of Caspian’s seduction that I will take it. And the sex, my god, the sex! Another aspect of slash that so often falls into predictability, yet the sex in the Kings is never anything but fresh and unbelievably hot.

I cannot describe the anguish I felt at the end of Kings Love, or depression I fell into all through Kings Parted. You’ve made Caspian and Edmund’s loss so palpable, so tangible. And given that I’ve migrated here from the Vampire Knight fandom where angst abounds, that says a lot. Of course the great love stories are the tragic ones. Would Titanic or Romeo and Juliet be the same if Leonardo lived? It's the pain of losing what could have been that makes love everlasting and the story never spent.

So I'm incredibly curious how Caspian and Edmund’s story is going to unfold in whatever hereafter you will create for them. I don’t really mind if they're dead, or not really dead, or very much alive in this alternate universe; to me spirits can just as easily assume forms and get physical as 1300-year-old transported bodies can. The beauty of Narnia is its play on dimensions, time and portals, so I find The Last Battle far less infuriating than other readers seem to. And although I don’t care much for C.S. Lewis’s obsession with Christian themes, I do think that his treatment of the Jesus character is almost heretic, and his view of time and space far more pagan than Christian.

I have a bit more of a problem with the Peter/Eustace narrative, and here I am the victim of the cinematic depictions, because I find neither actors attractive nor do I find chemistry between them plausible. But here I will just have to rely on your descriptions and not have the actors in my head like I can with Caspian and Edmund as an added bonus!

And I am prepared to sit through months of angst waiting for and then reading your updates for I am heartened by your assurance that you have never written a story without a happy ending. And I so wish for Caspian and Edmund to get their happy ending!
SincerelyYourSecret chapter 7 . 1/19/2013
Ok you don't use this account anymore but I was wondering is it over? The story I mean. Like what happened at the end, did they die or did they go to Narnia? If this is being continued on another site would you please send me the link to he story. Thanks, I kind of loved this :)
Blazing Ace chapter 1 . 10/28/2012
Is this really ... The end?

(Sobs tears of undistinguishable emotion)
random4ever chapter 7 . 6/6/2012
Aw, really? Could you at least keep your account so that on occassion you can still post, or provide alerts? Because I don't have an LJ account, and I'd rather not bother with getting one, yet I don't want to lose this story... Please?

I mean, come on, that group will most likely stop soon anyway, there's no use in not continuing despite them.

shyd1 chapter 6 . 5/15/2012

I was so excited to stumble upon this sequel! I loved your previous stories (except for the separation angst, of course -oh so bittersweet!), and it didn't take long at all to be pulled into this one.

While I'm sad that Edmund is coming to terms with letting Caspian go, I feel it is a realistic and important step for strengthening his character.

I can't wait to see what you've planned next!

(p.s. There's a tiny mispelling in one of Peter's lines in this chapter: to vs. too)
HawkRider chapter 6 . 5/14/2012
Well this was interesting... I can't wait for the next story!
BYYYEEEEEE chapter 6 . 5/12/2012
(Warning below is a long review)Beautiful, once again. This made me cry a bit actually, of course my mood when I was reading probably played into it. Still as I rarely cry at anything that is not real life, well done.

I especially adore how you handled Edmund's inital reaction to the letter with "It hurt". That expressed the shock going through Edmund's mind so well. I also really liked the scene with Tirian(?) and the train crash. Caspian's letter was also fantastically done, though I only realized it on the second read through. The first time I was too busy thinking a mixture of "gah! no! why! Edmund!" and "Good for Caspian." to really notice.

I am sad (yet oddly relived because Edmund was breaking my heart a little)to see this part of the series over, and egarly await the next instalment. So many questions. Where is Edmund? Will he meet Caspian? Will they be okay, or is chaos about to break lose? What of Eustace and Peter? The readers do not know.

I also happily vote for more Kings, always. Unless of course you feel you should quit, at which point my opionin does not matter.

Xenia.09 chapter 6 . 5/12/2012
Hi! Finally I've found time to review this story. I quickly read this chapter on Monday, but I had a text on Thursday and I didn't have time to read il well and to review. Now I'm watching the most annoying show in the world with my family and so I can finally review this story. So Caspian took a lover. Wow. I really didn't see this coming. I can't say that I like this either. I mean I know that for Edmund could be necessary to find a new love, I mean he has to go on with his life after all. But Caspian. I get the loneliness and the pain for the loss of his wife and child. But he already had a wife, was a lover really necessary? Anyway. I really hope to see them together again in your new story. I have to say that Peter is a little bit boring, just like he is in the books. Sorry, I'm sure you like Peter but I've always found him a little bit annying, He's too perfect to be real. And with Eustace... I don't even have word! He messed up pretty bad. It wouldn't have been taking advantage, I mean Eustace wanted him, so why not? I get he's about to leave, but, come on, talk to him! I thought he was able to talk, wasn't he? I know, maybe I'm mean with Peter but what I can I do? I've always loved Edmund and Caspian more. I can't wait to read your new story but I get that you need a break. I hope your AU will have a happy hending for Ed and Cas, one where they can live together and happily ever after. Now I let you alone This review is long enough and I hope that's not boring.

Kisses an hugs

Chrystel Malfoy-Potter chapter 6 . 5/9/2012
Aw! So cute the Edmund/Eustache friendship. Plus, if you can make them live in an Au, then go full steam ahead.

Can't wait to rad whatever you cook up next. Quick question, which other fandom are you going to write in?
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